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    • #7054

      Where do you mainly buy your games from?? Just want to know as until "recently" I worked in GAME and of course with discount I would always get my games there but now I’m open to everywhere and anywhere. Also would like to know if Chart-Tracks sample of shops does cover the more gaming savvy people out there!

      Argos, Currys, Game Group, Golden Discs, Heatons, Heartbeat City, HMV, PC World, Play.com, Roxy Records, Tesco, Zavvi, Zhivago

      And of course I ask this because I’m meant to doing documentation

    • #43043
    • #43044

      The GAME store over here is actually really good. Prices and deals are decent and the staff are friendly and (thus far anyway) quite informed. When buying, if it’s new I’ll pick up in there or if I see a good deal. Other than that the prices on Play.com, despite their rather odd take on the current exchange rate, are very good and free shipping is always a big plus.

    • #43045

    • #43047

      Either online with someone like Play or Amazon ( whoever has the best deal ) or in a Superstore ( Asda usually ) as they have the best deals these days.

    • #43048

      I’ve been shopping with Game for basically my whole life. I used to get games brand new but now mostly get them second-hand. For a long time the only alternatives were HMV (which involves walking up two flights of stairs) or Gamestop (which is seen locally as Game’s ugly sister and has a terrible shop layout). Now there’s a much greater choice but still use Game out of habit.

    • #43049
    • #43050

      I avoid online because when you add shipping you can usually find it cheaper in the store. [/quote:49b45c6db3]

      I never pay shipping for GAME and it always arrives the day before release.

    • #43052

      After GAME decided to sell the 2 copies of Wrath of the Lich King I preordered, I decided not to shop there anymore *grumble*

      Where I buy depends on what the game is.

      For a lot of my games I use Play.com

      I’d go to Forbidden Planet in Belfast when I want to pick up unusual PS2 games, as they tend to get the likes of Disgaea, Atelier Iris etc. All series I love.

      For DS games I go to http://www.movietyme.com/catalog/. DS games have no region, so I buy US ones for much cheaper than here.

    • #43053

      I actually find Gamestop to be the better option; they are often a fiver cheaper games wise, and good returns policy too. My 360, PS3 and PSP were bought there.

      I walked into a GAME a few months back; I was considering buying a PS3. I asked him if the new 60GB model had backwards compatibility.

      He then proceeded to ask me what that was.

      I haven’t bought from them since.

    • #43068
    • #43072

      Is the resistance series any good? I heard it is.

    • #43073

      Is the resistance series any good? I heard it is.[/quote:a3cf8ba4cb]

      Well the first one I was well into and then I just stopped about 20mins from the end!! Wasn’t climatic!

      And well I’ve been listening to the Full Moon Show (Insomniac Games) podcast for the last year with all the banter about Resistance 2 so I have to give it a go soon enough!!

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