Home Forums General Discussion Eircom and download caps.

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    • #7140

      Anyone have experience here? I am using the cheapest option, the 1MB/ 10G cap one I think. Just wanna make sure I don’t screw myself really. I download a lot. Just bought L4D off steam for 20 euro for instance. That’s 5GB right there. I was just wondering, anyone hear any horror stories of people getting screwed for thousands of euro? I heard once you go over the 10GB, it’s 5 euro a megabyte. Yikes. Do they have to give you notice when you are nearing your cap? Is there a program that I can use to tell how much I have been downloading/am dowloading?

    • #43431

      I know my dad gets broadband at home and he has a section off his account online which tells him exactly how much he’s upload/downloaded and has left on his account for that month. This count then resets on the fist day of every month at 12.01am.

      I’m sure all the providers have this facility available to their customers, probably details off the customer service section of their site.

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