Home Forums Programming New Job! Need help quick!!

  • This topic has 12 replies, 10 voices, and was last updated 15 years ago by Anonymous.
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    • #7237

      Hi guys, I got a job with a games company in london yesterday, but one of the requirements is to write code for a new videogame. Ive no experience with code, kind of bluffed my way through the interview process, any tips you could give me for impressing the boss on monday?

    • #43945

      Just read this:
      You should be able to get through it 3 times before monday. :-P

      Tbh, treating this as a troll; you sound like a troll, and anyway, it’s very hard to bluff your way into a programming job if you are so clueless that you don’t even know it takes more than a few days to learn to code.
      But in the unlikely event you’re serious, post some details; what sort of company, job, software etc… but the best advice will probably be to find a different job in the end; unless you’ve really misinterpreted what’s going on.

    • #43946


      Are you saying that a commercial games company gave you a job (contract or full-time?) in London, without seeing any of your code?


      What exactly is a "troll" (apart from the guys under the bridge)?

    • #43947

      A guy whos full of bullshit.

      No game company hires without a programming test unless your da runs it.

    • #43948

      No game company hires without a programming test unless your da runs it.[/quote:58a32b3c24]


    • #43949

      Hi guys, I got a job with a games company in london yesterday, but one of the requirements is to write code for a new videogame. Ive no experience with code, kind of bluffed my way through the interview process, any tips you could give me for impressing the boss on monday?[/quote:6073563885]

      Sexual Favours.

    • #43952


      What exactly is a "troll" (apart from the guys under the bridge)?[/quote:65aad68679]

      When you come across one you’ll know it : )

      See also:


    • #43953

      Another word is shitstirrer :)

    • #43954

      Mal? Is that you?

      :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:

    • #43955

      Hi guys, I got a job with a games company in london yesterday, but one of the requirements is to write code for a new videogame. Ive no experience with code, kind of bluffed my way through the interview process, any tips you could give me for impressing the boss on monday?[/quote:d83e05851f]

      Did they lure you into the back of a van for the interview?

    • #43959

      > Mal? Is that you?

      lol – not *this* time :)

    • #43960

      Hey Feral thanks for the reply. I ordered that book but it wont get here til saturday maybe even tho i paid for express. I cant talk about the company, they made me sign an NDA before the interview. Its a 12 month contract.

      I paid someone a few bob to sort out a few examples I could show in my interview. I really didnt think theyd dwell on it that much tho, so now im little worried itll be a big part.

      anyway cheers if that book gets here before monday ill give it a read through.

    • #43968

      Look, I’m with the other guys on this, and I’m pretty certain you are trolling. Furthermore, I don’t think you are good at it.
      The bit about the NDA doesn’t add up; and there’s big problems with the idea you could present someone else’s examples in an interview etc; or even make it into a programming job.
      It’d be good if an admin would check out your IP addy etc, as there’s been a few posts on here recently I reckon were trolls.

      That said, it’s possible to be interviewed by a business person rather than a coder – shouldn’t happen, but it can.
      I once had to do a technical interview on a guy that was totally making stuff up, but he had already successfully bluffed his way past a customer support manager (who was managing a technical team). That’s what the technical interview was for though, and it got embarrassing about 5 minutes in.

      Anyway, even if you were not trolling, I don’t particularly think you would deserve help if you paid someone else to make examples for your interview. Doesn’t matter, if you’ve been hired as a coder, you are going to be found out very soon. I mentioned the book as a joke – you can’t actually learn C++ in 24 hours. Go back to college instead, and do some courses on professional ethics while your there!

      Hey, even if you’re just trolling, go back to college and do something productive instead :-)

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