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    • #8277

      Hi All,

      Not sure if this is the right section but I’ll stick it in here and hope for the best. Saw this posted by @megajenius on twitter earlier. Its basically LinkedIn but for people in the games industry worldwide.


      Seams pretty good so far, well worth a look at least. Saw Pixel Wolf Studios on it too, prehaps add yourselves to this thread for thoes who joined up and want to link up with others from gamedevelopers.ie. Juat a thought.

      I’m http://www.namesingames.com/community/459-eoin-meagher/profile for any one who wants to connect.

    • #47740
      Aphra K

      it is a pretty full on site!

      I have heard of a couple of jobs/networking sites being established – I wonder how many will survive.


    • #47745

      Yeah, its a bit too full on.

      I dont really understand the need for those type of sites anyway. They are a place for agencies to hang out and poach for business, and yet 90% of people who use an agnecy realise that they despise using agencies. I think LinkedIn has the monopoly at the moment anyway, and specialising in market is just making your target market smaller…so why do it?

    • #47746

      Yeah, its a bit too full on.

      I dont really understand the need for those type of sites anyway. They are a place for agencies to hang out and poach for business, and yet 90% of people who use an agnecy realise that they despise using agencies. I think LinkedIn has the monopoly at the moment anyway, and specialising in market is just making your target market smaller…so why do it?[/quote:0c4b56851a]

      Ditto. I think it might work if it was more social network than recruitment site.

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