Home Forums Education, Training and Jobs Transition Year work experience?

  • This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 12 years ago by Anonymous.
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    • #8562

      Does anyone know of any Irish video game studio that offers work experience for TY students? I really want to get a career in the video game industry when I’m older and would love to see the magic being made. A reply would be much appreciated!

    • #49022

      Go to the companies section of the website here a couple of them take on students(I think). Also you could talk to your careers advisor in school, maybe there is a App dev studio near where you live?

    • #49024

      Go to the companies section of the website here a couple of them take on students(I think). Also you could talk to your careers advisor in school, maybe there is a App dev studio near where you live?[/quote:d920fd9e4b]

      Thanks CenB, I will start emailing a few of the companies that are close to me. I do not know of any App dev studios near me. I will have talk with my career advisor, thanks :)

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