The provisional programme for CGAMES’2005 the 7th International Conference on Computer Games: AI, Animation, Mobile, Educational and Serious Games forthcoming in Angouleme, France from the 28-30th November 2005 has been announced. I see there is some Irish representation in the papers to be presented on the Tues. Chris Crawford is one of the keynotes.
To register see:
Preliminary Programme
Monday 28 November 2005
10-10 30 am Room Nemo Opening Session
10h30-11h30 Room Nemo Invited Paper
Social and Physical Interactive Paradigms for Mixed Reality Entertainment
Prof Adrian David Cheock, National Singapore University
11h30-12h45 Room Nemo Augmented Reality Games
Determining Head Orientation in Real-time Video Input
Lisa Spencer and Ratan K. Gupta, University of Central Florida, USA
A Video-Based Fast 3D Face Modeling System
Peng Lu, Yangsheng Wang, Jian Yao and Bin Ding, Institute of Automation,
Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Short Papers, Work in Progress and Student Papers
Augmented Reality Board Game Using Vision techniques and PGA
Kirak Kim, Anjin Park, Kwangjin Hong and Keechul Jung
HCI Lab., School of Media, College of Information Science, Soongsil
University, Korea
Immersive AR Ping-pong Game on Hemispherical Screen
Sangkyung Lee, Dongwuk Kyoung and Keechul Jung, HCI Lab., School of Media,
College of Information Science, Soongsil University, Korea
12h45-14h15 Lunch
14h15-15h30 Room Nemo Game Architecture -1
Replication Model for Designing Multi-Player Games Interactions
Anne Gwen Bosser, University of Paris 7, France
An Easy-to-use Platform Aimed at the Development of MMORPG and Demanding
Networked Applications
Alain Becam, Trans-Reality Game Laboratory, University of Gotland, Sweden
Audio and Video Communication in Multiplayer Games through Generic Networking Middleware Maarten Wijnants and Wim Lamotte, Hasselt University, Expertise Centre for Digital Media, Belgium
14h15-15h30 Room 1 Games and Education -1
The Relationship Between the Avatar’s Behavioral Fidelity and Social Interaction in 3d Collaborative Learning-based Games Samah Mansour, Carolyn Rude-Parkins, College of Education and, Human Development, Louisville, Kentuky, USA, and Mostafa E-Said, Grand Valley State University, USA
Behavioural Changes in Students Participating in an Upper Secondary Education Program Using Unmodified Computer Games as the Primary Teaching Tool Mats Wiklund, Dept of Computer and Systems Sciences, Stockholm University,
Short Papers, Work in Progress and Student Papers
Use of Commercial Games for Educational Purposes: Will Today’s Teacher Candidates Use Them In The Future? Aysegul Bakar, Yavuz Inal and Kursat Cagiltay, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey
Freinet and Counter Strike: Machinima and Mod-Games in the Educational and Social Inclusion Process Roger Tavares, PUC-SP, SENAC-SP, São Paulo, Brazil
15h30-15h45 Coffee Break
15h45-17h Room Calvo Mobile Games – 1
GASP: an Open Source Gaming Service Middleware Dedicated to Multiplayer Games for J2ME Based Mobile Phones Françoise Duclos, Bouygues Telecom, Michel Simatic, INT, Romain Pellerin, Eric Gressier Soudans, CEDRIC/CNAM and Fabien Delpiano, Infraworld, Paris, France
Behavioral Assumption-Based Prediction for High-Latency Hiding in Mobile Games Giliam J.P. de Carpentier and Rafael Bidarra, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
A Game Engine for Mobile Phones
Matthew Bancroft, David Al-Dabass, Caroline Langensiepen and Richard Cant School of Computing & Informatics, Nottingham Trent University, UK
15h45-17h Room 1 Game Design -1
Driving Stories, Benefits of Properties Analysis A. Prigent, R. Champagnat and P. Estraillier L3i, University of La Rochelle, France
First Player Shooter Game Levels Analysis Framework
Rémi Cozot, IRISA, France
Game Level Design using Music Feature Extraction Martin Ogg and Henry S Fortuna, University of Abertay Dundee, Scotland, UK
17h- 18h30 Formal Inauguration of the ENJMIN
18h30-20h Room Nemo Invited Paper
Chris Crawford from USA in a Video Conference
20h30- 22h Dinner at Angoulême Town Hall
Tuesday 29 November 2005
9h30-10h30 Room Nemo Invited Paper
Simulation and Advanced Gaming Environments: Exploring Their Learning Impacts
Prof David Kaufman, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC, Canada
10h30-10h45 Room Nemo Coffee Break
10h45-12h Artificial Intelligence -1
Symbiotic Learning in Commercial Computer Games Sander Bakkes and Pieter Spronck, IKAT, Universiteit Maastricht, The Netherlands
Dance: A Framework for Multi-Agent Choreographic Coordination in Games Rodrigo B. V. Lima, Patrícia A. Restelli Tedesco, University Federal of Pernambuco, Recife, Brazil, and Geber L. Ramalho, University Federal of Pernambuco, Recife, Brazil & Université de Paris 6, France
A Flight Simulator Dogfight Agent for Real-Time Decision-Making in the Cockpit David Solinger, Patrick Ehlert and Leon Rothkrantz, Department of Media and
Knowledge Engineering, University of Delft, The Netherlands
12h45-13h Room Nemo Game Architecture -2
Towards Procedural Creation of Character behaviour in an Interactive Drama System Keisuka Tanaka and Ruck Thawonmas, Intelligent computer Entertainment Laboratory, Ristsumeikam University, Japan
The ExtReAM Library: Extensible Real-time Animations for Multiple Platforms Pieter Jorissen, Jeroen Dierckx and Wim Lamotte, IBBT, Expertise Centre for
Digital Media, Diepenbeek, Belgium
Fast Event Ordering and Perceptive Consistency in Time Sensitive Distributed Multiplayer Games Nicolas Bouillot, CEDRIC/CNAM, Paris, France
13h-14h30 Lunch
14h30-15h45 Room Calvo Game and Education 2
Socioconstructivist Framegame Design: Theoretical and Empirical Considerations Margot Kaszap, Sylvie Rail and Michael Power, Université Laval, Québec, Canada
The Enjeux-S Environment for Real-Time Online Educational Games Wilfried Probst, Université du Québec, Montréal, Canada, Louise Sauvé, Louis Villardier,, Michael Power, Télé-université / SAVIE, Québec, Canada, David Kaufman, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC, Canada, and Victor Sánchez Arias, Laboratorio Nacional de Informática Avanzada, Veracruz, Mexico
Short Papers, Work in Progress and Student Papers
Learning Games Programming with “Dalek World”
Bryan Duggan, Hugh McAtamney and Fredrick Japhet Mtenzi, School of Computing, Dublin University, Rep. of Ireland
The Role of Computer Games in Bridging the Digital Divide
Don Anderson and Dennis Jacobi, Intellas Group, Louisville, Kentuky, USA,
and Adel Elmaghraby, University of Louisville, Kentuky, USA
14h30-15h45 Room 1 Game Design -2
Game Theory and Video Game, a New Approach of Game Theory to Analyze and Conceive Game Systems Emmanuel Guadiola, Ubisoft and CEDRIC/CNAM and Stéphane Natkin, CEDRIC/CNAM,
Creating Disordered Scenes
Michelle Haskard, Richard Cant and David Al-Dabass, School of Computing and Informatics, Nottingham Trent University, UK
Experimentation of a Game Design Methodology for Mobile Phones Games Viviane Gal and Alexandre Topol, CEDRIC/CNAM, France
15h45-16h Coffee Break
16h-17h15 Room Calvo Game Architecture and Computer Graphics 1
TREN: LOD and Paging of Large Height-fields by Means of BTSTs Abel M. Bernabeu, Francisco J. Gallego, Juan A. Puchol and Faraón Llorens, Departamento de Ciencia de la Computaci´on e Inteligencia Artificial,
University of Alicante, Spain
A Balanced Approach to Character Motion
Marek Mittmann, Adam Szarowicz and Jaroslaw Francik, Faculty of Computing,
Information Systems and Mathematics, Kingston University, Surrey, UK
16h 17h15 Room 1 Artificial Intelligence 2
Short Papers, Work in Progress and Student Papers
Dynamic Group Behaviour Through Planning for Game Agent AI
Andrew Dai, University of Cambridge, Computer Laboratory, Cambridge, UK
Genetic Algorithms for Team Battle Tactics Ben Sizer, David Al-Dabass and Richard Cant, School of Computing & Informatics, Nottingham Trent University, UK
Computer Games Will Rewrite our Challenges in Artificial Intelligence. Screaming Racers F. J. Gallego, A. M. Bernabeu García and Faraón Llorens, Departamento de Ciencia de la Computación e IA, University of Alicante, Spain
Poster Presentations
Online Action Prediction for Interactive Computer Games Thomas Hartley, School of Computing and Information Technology, University of Wolverhampton, UK
Towards Integrating Ogre3d with FDK
Pawan Kumar, School of Computing and Information Technology, University of Wolverhampton, UK
An Architecture for Implementing BDI Agents in Virtual Environments N. P. Davies, School of Computing and Information Technology, University of
Wolverhampton, UK
17h15-17h30 Tea Break
17h30-19h Room Nemo Presentation of Winning Games and Animations
of e-Magiciens
Wednesday 30 November 2005
9h30-10h30 Room Calvo Invited Paper
Natural Interactive and Fit Entertainment Prof Yansen Wang, Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
10h30-10h45 Coffee Break
10h45-12h15 Room Calvo Game Architecture and Computer Graphics-2
IIWU : IF I WERE YOU A Simple Gameplay Unmanageable by Game Engines Yann Creach and Alexandre Topol, CEDRIC/CNAM, Paris, France
QASE: an Integrated API for Imitation and General AI Research in Commercial Computer Games Bernard Gorman and Mark Humphrys, Dublin City University, Rep. of Ireland and Martin Fredriksson, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Ronneby, Sweden
Short Papers, Work in Progress and Student Papers
Using the Crytek Game Engine in the Dublin Institute of Technology
Hugh McAtamney, Bryan Duggan and Fredrick Japhet Mtenzi, Dublin Institute of
Technology, Rep of Ireland
10h45-12h Room 1 Mobile and Ubiquitous Games
The GEOGAMES Tool: Balancing Spatio-Temporal Design Parameters in Location-Based Games Peter Kiefer and Sebastian Matyas, Laboratory for Semantic Information Processing, Otto-Friedrich-University Bamberg, Germany
A Typology of the Relationships Between Real and Virtual Worlds Stéphane Natkin CEDRIC/ CNAM, France and Chen Yan, France Telecom Recherche & Développement
Flying Cake: Augmented Game on Mobile Device Anjin Park, Jong-Yeol Yang and Keechul Jung, HCI Lab., School of Media, College, Soongsil University, Seoul, Korea
Short Papers, Work in Progress and Student Papers
Has a Wireless Online Gaming Environment a Future?
Moira J.McAlister and Patrick Wilson, Department of Computing & Information Engineering, University of Ulster, N. Ireland, UK
12h15 -13h Room Calvo Winning Paper and Closing Session
13h- 14h30 Lunch
14h30-17h30 Room Calvo Cognac Tour
18h30 CGAME/FITA Cocktail