Animation Skillnet is seeking applicants for its new pilot Animation Studio Lab programme.

The Animation Studio Lab aims to develop the specialist skill set of graduates by teaming them up with an up-and-coming animation director to produce a short film.

Applicants can nominate one of four specialist areas within Animation production when applying.

  • Storyboarding
  • Animation
  • Art & Backgrounds
  • Compositing

Successful participants will receive specialist training in their chosen area and they will be guided through a real world animation production scenario. Participants will work as part of a production team to deliver the short film.

The Animation Studio Lab is not attached to any studio and is designed to deliver specialist training in a real world environment.

The programme will run for 8-12 weeks, Monday to Friday from 10am to 4pm.

For more information on the programme and for instructions on how to apply, please see

Deadline for applications: Monday 7th January 2019.

Interviews in early January with Final Selection on Friday 11th January 2019.