Date: May 10th 2011
Time: 10:00 – 13:00
Location: Wood Quay Venue, Civic Offices, Wood Quay, Dublin 2

CreativeD is Dublin’s only network specifically for the creative industries. We believe that collaboration with other creative industries-related projects underway in Dublin brings an added benefit to our members in terms of active engagement with these projects and the potential for business growth.

“CreativeD and the City” has been designed to create such an engagement opportunity. During the event we will get an update on the Creative Dublin Alliance (CDA), a network of diverse leaders charged with identifying and implementing solutions in response to the challenges Dublin faces as an International Competitive City Region.

The Creative Dublin Alliance will talk to CreativeD members about the projects that they are currently working on, including Innovation Dublin and the World Design Capital 2014 bid. The session will also allow for discussion about how CreativeD members can get involved.

We intend to follow the CDA session with a group discussion about how CreativeD can operate as a vehicle to effectively facilitate business growth for our members, including the identification of sales and promotional opportunities. We will also look at how CreativeD members can best showcase themselves at Innovation Dublin 2011 (17th October to 18th November) and the seminar with our European partners, which will take place in Brussels on 25th November.

You need to be there to be involved. Join us on May 10th and help to drive CreativeD forward to meet your needs.

The event is open to members of CreativeD and guests. Registration is free for members.

Registration for the event can be made by logging on to where secure payment can be made for non-members.