Edinburgh international games festival – The future of entertainment
17th and 18th August 2003
The oldest and largest cultural festival in the world is held in Edinburgh during the month of August and this year it will be the setting for the first ever festival celebrating computer and video games, alongside Theatre, TV, Books, and Cinema.
According to the info on the ELSPA website the festival aims to help the industry ‘to celebrate its evolution and creativity and it will provide a platform for the sharing of ideas, amongst developers, publishers and all parts of the industry and the public, feeding off the buzz and excitement this extraordinary event generates.
A key focus of inaugural 2 day event planned for August 17th -18th 2003 will be the interface between games and other media, in particular Film, TV and Music.
Planned sessions will also look at how the virtual reality world of games impact in the real lives of those who are featured in those games. No media is free from controversy and the festival will feature debates on the social and educational dimensions of games.
There will be a world view keynote address delivered by an iconic figure within the industry, There will be master classes from successful Creative Directors, and a series of ‘screenings’ will feature game play in some of the most acclaimed games.’
This Steering group behind the festival elected Tom Stone, Head of LEGO Interactive as its first Chair. It is proposed that the chair of the festival is elected by the steering committee every year. The Steering group is being supported by both the developer’s, and publisher’s trade bodies, Tiga and ELSPA, who will be responsible for its planning and implementation. If you are interested in finding out more about the EIGF please contact one of the following:
Tom Stone tel: 01753 495000 mailto:tom.stone@lego.com tom.stone@lego.com
Fred Hasson tel: 07788 563723 mailto:fred@tiga.org.ukfred@tiga.org.uk
Tamsin Aspinall tel: 07734 292521 mailto: tamsin.aspinall@elspa.com tamsin.aspinall@elspa.com
further info also www.elspa.com