There are currently two ways to try and reduce your costs for getting to GDC in San Francisco next year.
IGDA scholarships
The IGDA Scholarships program have announced that 18 scholarship recipients to GDC will receive a travel reimbursement stipend courtesy of the IGDA Foundation’s generous donors and recent fundraising efforts including being featured in the recent Steam Humble Jumbo Bundle. This stipend amount will be based on the university location where the student is based.
-Only full-time undergraduate, graduate or doctoral (or similar) students, or former students who graduated in the 6 months prior to the event they are applying for, are eligible
– Applicants must be 18 years of age or older as of the date of the event. (Also note that certain aspects of some events may carry higher age restrictions).
-Applicants must be IGDA members in good standing. If you are not currently an IGDA Member, you must join the IGDA before applying for the scholarship. All applications will be verified. If you aren’t currently a member, you can join today.
Imirt Scholarships
The judges will prioritise applications that:
- emphasize diversity in the Irish game maker community.
- highlight those who are under represented.
- enable knowledge sharing between different locations, creative mediums, backgrounds or skills.
- benefit the applicant’s experience and/or skills.
- inform the wider games community as to what’s happening in Ireland.
- contribute back to the Irish game maker community.