The September Shindig will be held on the 24th of September and it is likely with Awakenings in Oct. that there won’t be another one until the end of November. As usual all are welcome to attend – shindigs are just informal pub meets where developers, academics, students and others with a general interest in games meet.
Time: From 7.30pm onwards
Location: Downstairs in Toners pub on Baggott Street in Dublin. A couple of tables will have reserved signs on them.
Directions: From Stephen’s Green North walk past the Shelbourne Hotel and towards Merrion Row/Baggot Street. Keep walking straight with Upper Merrion Street on your left and Ely Place on your right. Toners is a wine & black pub and will be on your right on a corner. If you reach Pembroke Street. on your right you have passed it and gone too far.
The shindig will be downstairs. To get there you can walk through the pub to the back where there is a stairs or walk around the side outside where there is another door. I will put up signs so you know where you are going..
Still unsure? The address is 139 Baggot Street Lower.
check your route here