The 3rd Innovation Interface
Liam Bannon – An UnHoly Trinity? The Role of Design, Science & Social Science in Interaction Design in Ireland
Tuesday 8 November 18:30-20:30
TCD Science Gallery
In this talk, Liam Bannon will outline some of the difficulties and successes of a collaborative approach to working across disciplinary boundaries, briefly discuss some examples of IDC work, and present his ideas on how we might move towards a more holistic, integrated, and humane framework for understanding human action in the world, and the role of technology in our daily lives.
Despite the recent emphasis on globalization and anytime/anywhere connectivity, a social science engagement implies arguing for the continuing importance of place, and the local, in making sense of our world. This has particular implications in an Irish context – for education, research and innovation.
Professor Liam Bannon is Director of the interdisciplinary Interaction Design Centre (IDC) at the University of Limerick, and a long-standing international expert in the fields of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), Computer-Supported
Cooperative Work (CSCW), and has been involved in on-going debates as to the role of ethnography in design.
The Centre attempts to create a setting or arena for collaboration across a wide variety of disciplines and practices –
engineering, psychology, sociology, media studies, architecture, fine arts, and product design. The Centre has been involved in a number of research projects and exercises in such fields as participative design, interaction design, and
ubiquitous computing, as well as HCI and CSCW.
Paccar Theatre
About INNOVATION INTERFACE: Many of the world’s leading technology companies and science institutions have already discovered the way forward for innovation as much to do with the intangibles of the human experience as it does with
algorithms, chips and design.
Using both sociologists and anthropologists, corporations are increasingly turning to designers who combine the insights of social scientists with scientific knowledge to transform creativity and research into innovation. Will emo-engineers and anthro-technologists be the buzzwords of the twenty-first century?
The INNOVATION INTERFACE series invites the public to join the debate and listen as this line-up of world leading thinkers and practitioners discuss their international experiences and practices of innovation, design and social science.
Throughout the year, the INNOVATION INTERFACE series aims to gather academics, policy makers, entrepreneurs and business people to kickstart the debate between social
science and innovation and to forge alliances leading to action.