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Ok so theres modeler scratched off XD

im pretty good with autocad, solidworks and stuff like that
so architect is still in there? well until i looked at the pionts i need
450-500 in last three years dont even think i could make that……
although is all my JC results were 1’s like B1,C1 then i worked my best result out to be 350 just another 100 , i could make it i didnt study for my JC.

for computer sience ya i quess so :P
my physics is pretty good i have a good understsndfing of everything so far
as for maths when we get a chapter done we get a tet which i always get 90-100% on (oridinary level) but when we move on i tend to forget stuff
just need to look over is a bit. :) quess only time will tell.

thats for you reply by the way