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What I’m actually going for is non-specific to level design, but more so towards the production side of things and while level design will factor heavily (amongst many other things), I guess my end goal is to see a project through from concept to completion. Having a full design document is part of the plan too.

I would also like to get it out there and played by whoever might play it, taking feedback, hopefully generating some hype, that kinda thing.

I was quite proficient with 3d Max, but fell out of the loop with it (did LUDO/CGHND in BCFE finishing in 05′) and have just recently discovered that I know what role I would eventually like to take in the industry.

So existing art assets for now, I’m thinking, however once I delve further into the actual design and concepts, I may be bold enough to look for an artist and perhaps a scripter to turn it into something a little bigger. I’m hopefully heading back to college in Sept 11′, which gives plenty of time to get this thing done!

Thanks for the input so far, plenty of places to look now!