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marco: Kore.net, PlayFirst and meez.com are doing development work here as well, I’m sure there’s a few others.

jamiemc has a good point, most of the people working in the games industry here aren’t actually developers. What about rebranding the site to a name that sounds a bit more inclusive? gamesbiz.ie? irishgames.ie?

I think what’s really missing is a key person to drive the development of the site. Thinking big, if one or two people were really keen on running the site on a fulltime basis, what about about setting it up as a company dedicated to advocating for the games industry in Ireland? Games companies seem to be about the only ones creating jobs in Ireland at the minute, so government funding for something like this might not be that hard to get.

Whatever way it works out, I’d be happy to contribute the occasional article/blog/flaming rant to the site.