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marco: Kore.net, PlayFirst and meez.com are doing development work here as well, I’m sure there’s a few others.


We are too! (Popcap)

I thought Kore were more working on technologies?

Personally, If I want to find out info about the industry I will check out the usual suspects: gamesindustry.biz, gamasutra.com, Joystiq/Kotaku etc.
I come here more for the Irish scene, see what people are doing and what kind of discussions are happening.
It appears to be mostly people looking for how to get into the industry, which is grand, but you seldom here from them again.
I would agree with a lot of what has been said and that articles relating to the industry here, job availabilities, new companies etc are what needs to be focused on.
The occasional meet up would be awesome too.
The best thing that I have seen from Gd.ie over the past year was the talk by Peter Molyneux et al in DIT. That kind of thing really draws people to the site to check schedules etc.

As with any mod I have attempted to do with people in the past, the hardest thing is to keep people motivated.