Home Forums General Discussion 1944 D-Day – New Site, New Content

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    • #4206

      Hi all

      After a recent hack, I felt I would upgrade the site. So I redeveloped this bad boy in a few hours. Its still not done, and once we get enough content complete, I should have the entire site together in no time.

      Crits and Comments are welcome.


      In order to tap into one of the largest communities available, we started our own HL2 mod, BF2, Unreal mod, and as yet un-announced Far Cry, Doom3 and perhaps a few others.

      It only takes about a month with a few team members working on them (Usually 2 programmers with 1 artist who does all the converting). And the return in interest to the project is huge (But obviously double edged sword))

      Anyway thats the site, we will be featuring in some printed media in the comnig months, travelling to several indie game expo’s. With MOD-DB, Gamedev, Amped and many other sites giving us huge praise and support.

      Not to mention the lads at speedtree who are really welcoming the project and the use of speedtree in it.

      Crits and comments are more than welcome. (The site went live on Monday)

    • #21913

      Lovely stuff. Really liking the metallic look to the site, really fits in with the content. Good to hear you guys are getting some good publicity and praise!

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