Hi folks,
One of our 3D projects has just gone live – it’s an interactive visit to the Armagh Planetarium, where you can visit all of the rooms in the actual building, as well as some more interactive elements ( drive the Mars Rover, drag and drop design your own alien etc ).
Here’s the link…
http://www.armaghplanet.com ( click on the Virtually Visit the Planetarium Building (requires Shockwave) ) link.
( if you have a powerful 3D graphics card, here’s the full-screen version )
Also within there is a virtual 3D Solar System – this link will take you directly there…
A few notes – with the Shockwave 3D file format not supporting light maps, we have coded our own system to enable this functionality. There is a HUGE difference seeing it without shadows.
A lot of the data has been set to stream in externally, so that the team at Armagh Planetarium can change various assets ( 2D, sound ) immediately on their server.
Enjoy! If you’ve visited the actual physical building, it’ll be interesting to hear your comments on the Virtual Visit.