Home Forums #IrishGameDev in the News any events apart from awakenings/forum meetups?

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    • #5059

      anyone have ideas for events other than the newly formed awakenings (which is now annual?) which I would have went to except for the impracticalities in getting there from cork.

      other countries organise events quite regularly. even a roundtable discussion on developing the game industry in ireland could be interesting. this includes events organised by the DCU games Soc. or my own Netsoc. I was thinking about running a joke pitch your game idea on the rumoured topic a while back that angelina jolie asked nintendo to make a game based on the UN. also the emerging complaints that the red cross is misrepresented in games. if people are orgainsing events they should let people know. one meeting a year is not enough. there are enough students here with too much time on their hands who could organise these events both student aimed and industry aimed.

      simply put a forum is not enough.

      with students in mind you could try and ask large developers/publishers to have stands at a careers fair in somewhere central in dublin. this will give people the opportunity to meet and greet both potential employees and potential employers. also would serve as an interesting event.

      even round table discussion and the attempt to release some white papers would rock.

    • #29550

      It would be good to have a big Dublin event and invite large developers (I guess that means UK) over…maybe this can be done for the next Awakenings event?

      You know better than I what sort of latent demand there is for more events, it would certainly provide developers with access to potential new staff. The company I work for regularly goes to colleges looking for peeps. However it would be just good for all the Irish game courses to mingle (there are a lot now).

      Sounds good. If you book it they will come…

    • #29560

      The next big event will be the GD.ie third anniversary party, in about a months time.

      The Digital Hub runs a series of events every year, Enterprise Ireland have a number of on topic or related events, and there are also occasional events (often involving the igda) such as eurographics etc.

      There are also a number of conferences or events each year which dont deal specifically with games, but which may be of interest to people in the field. The Darklight Symposium and the Invent Talks in DCU are jsut two such examples.

      Obviously there are the Shindigs which happen every 6 weeks or so, and reasonably frequent talks in colleges focused at the student demographics.

      All in all, given the size of the industry here, we are well covered in terms of events to attend.


    • #29561
      Aphra K

      awakenings is meant to be every two years and will alternate north and south of the country. The Digital hub also ran a month of game related events, including talks, last May and they may run one again this year.

      So far many of the events are organised by volunteers so if there is a desire for more events then I suggest you try and organise one in your area. Contact someone on the local IGDA committee and see if they can help out in terms of speakes etc. But we need people on the ground in each area to help with such events, no one has a monopoly on them and it is up to everyone to row in and help.


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