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    • #7067

      Haven’t picked up SPORE yet, (I know, I know, I’m missing out on THEE greatest thing ever…), but after reading this article on EDGE


      I’m thinking twice.

      Apparently SPORE ships with a separate silent installer for SecuROM, some form of copy-protection kit.

      No mad alarm bells going off there, my big issue is that apparently, SecuROM is "uninstallable."

      I’ve been looking into this, as surely, it is software, and therefore, "uninstallable." Most of the sites I’m looking at spouting various hate/fear-inspired dribble that SecuROM opens a portal to hell, or similar.

      But the consensus is fairly glum, that in fact once this thing gets its teeth into your drive, it staying there, bar a clean format.

      The lawsuit being filed revolves around the fact that EA haven’t told anyone about this hidden component on the game disk, and/or the extents of it.

      Oh well, yet another reason for me to stay happy and content with my consoles.

      Maybe its time to go back to SNES cartridges…


    • #43134

    • #43136
    • #43137

      Yeah, the hilarious thing is that Spore and Crysis were actually pirated more than they would have been because of the crazy DRM. I have seen several posts and people writing letters into magazines admitting this. Stupid EA.

      Apparently Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory had some DRM system that went uncracked for over a hundred days. I played that game on PC and was subjected to nothing compared to what people buying Spore and Crysis were. Why not use that system?

    • #43138

      Not only did CryTek have to worry about the DRM-based reasons for downloading but I think a large number of potential customers would have been apprehensive about whether their machine could play the game or not. That is, of course, not the primary reason for downloading as a demo had been available for nearly a month before it’s release but it is something to consider. The DRM that shipped with Crysis also did not cause as much of a stir as with other games, Bioshock and Spore for example.

      As for Splinter Cell, actually the game remained completely uncracked for 422 days. The only interim solutions involved external DVD players/burners, disabling your built in drive etc… The DRM used in that game was Starforce and unfortunately that level of protection came at too high a cost with the software installing various drivers and using virtual file systems. Ubisoft used to use Starforce but after a slew of complaints from consumers it decided to drop it in favor of, you guessed it, SECUROM. ;)

    • #43151

      People are always going to bitch, its what we do. They should at least go with what works (so well!) :)

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