Home Forums General Discussion Feb and March shindig..

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    • #2967
      Aphra K

      Ok people some advance dates for your diary..

      I am looking at Friday 27th of Feb and Friday the 2nd of April for the next shindigs…

      same place…Mahaffy’s…

      same time…

      oh, and the 2nd of April will be gamedevelopers.ie first birthday (well the 30th of March really..but the 2nd is the nearest friday) There may be birthday cake to be had…(any volunteers to make it??)

      and some awards for the most loyal visitors to the forums…

      and hopefully some good news from those who have been to GDC..


    • #10537
    • #10544

      Ah, that’s loyal members, Ronny, not loyalist members.


    • #10552

      Hmm, never noticed that. Lets blame the fact that I’ve been sick recently… that probably had something to do with it. ;)

      Fixed. :)

    • #10553
      Jamie Mc

      I’ll be finishing my exams on the 2nd, so I should be able to make it to the year anniversary. See yous there.


    • #10562

      Its down in the diary, I’ll be there I’m sure I can drag a few more Torc guys down for that weekend too.

    • #10590

      the big question of course is whether Skyclad will be there, as he now lives in Kerry…

      How will the rest of us recognise each other ;)

    • #10599

      A full year and I still haven’t made it to one of these events :(

      Damn you Irish Sea
      *shakes fist*

    • #10600
      Aphra K

      Skyclad you didn’t tell us..

      perhaps a shindig in Cork or Kerry is on the cards?!..


    • #10602

      I’ll be up pretty late on friday…probably arrive in about 11ish. I just hope all the old timers wont have melted away at that stage!

      I’m all for spreading aorund the shindigs now – anywhere bar muff would be easier for me to get to!


    • #10604

      That may be true in more ways than one Skyclad.. saying nothing about your ability to score. Ok, crap joke, I’m sorry.

      You know, I reckon some people would enjoy a good outing to muff and the nether-regions of Ireland in general. Perhaps it would be a good idea to look into a healthy/drunken bank holiday weekend out of the city and in the quaint Donegal country side. Perhaps some surfing, maybe just walks or trips out on a boat to a forgotten island. Just a thought.

      Will be down at this Shindig and I’m almost certain Pete shall be there too. Being fashionably late is best left to people like Skyclad, I for one, plan to be having pints by at least 8.00.

    • #10605
    • #10606

      Yes John….and Chris and I will be coming down as well!

      I’ll be along a little bit later though at around 9:00.

      I’d love to see a bit of a shindig in Galway – purely because I haven’t been down there in a while and any excuse would be sweet. Don’t know what the game scene would be like down there however.

      I’d always be up for something in Donegal – there’s a load of beds/hotels/pubs and stuff to accomodate and a wealth of exra curicular activities.

      This has been Mark on behalf of Bord Failte.

    • #10607

      Hi Ronny,

      judgin from past experience 8pm is more likely as a starting time, particularly as Skyclad won’t be around to fly the Gamedevelopers.ie flag before the rest of us arrive!

      I’ve made a map showing Mahaffey’s and have mailed it to you

      Give me a ring if you have any problems

    • #10618

      Hey Tony,

      Thank you very much for the map. I will be able to use it along with my… ahem, terrific sense of direction to get to Mahaffey’s.

      8pm is great. Gives me enough time to get into Dublin, get a bite to eat and then inevitably get lost a few times along the way…

      I’m really delighted to be able to come to my first shindig and am especially looking forward to meeting Mark and some of the guys from Torc before I head over to Donegal next month.

      It should be a great night for all. :)

    • #10675
      Aphra K

      I was chatting to Jim last night from Mahaffy’s and he said the pub might be a bit busy around 7.30 ish but will thin out later…

      mm, no it won’t I thought cause we will all be arriving..

      I hope to arrive around 7.30 and will be the sober person in the snug over to the left of the pub looking for friends..

      come and join me!


    • #10676

      See yis tonight!! (Unless theres some sort of freak snow slide between Muff and Dublin…..)

    • #10677

      See yis tonight!! (Unless theres some sort of freak snow slide between Muff and Dublin…..) [/quote:9267f652ca]
      Tell me about it, Belfast is absolutely snowed under. The sun has just came out there now so that should help but I’m expecting a delay.

      I should be there around 8pm or maybe a bit sooner. It’s not the biggest pub in the world so it shouldn’t be to hard to find Aphra and the other people already there but be sure to look out for me. :)

    • #10698
      Aphra K

      Thanks to all who attended the shindig on Friday night. There was a great turnout, although I didn’t do as good a job as skyclad on keeping tables..we’ll sort that one out for the next time..

      a few things worth mentioning to those who couldn’t turn up or had to leave early..

      1. a big welcome to the TKO crew who turned up and informed us they are still looking for 2 good java programmers…contact Will Golby if that is you
      2. yet again Torc wins on the consistency with which they turn up to shindigs and the numbers who turn up…
      3. although Ronny came down from Belfast and Dave made it up from Kerry..
      4. best of luck to Ronny who is off to do a week’s work experience with Torc soon
      5. good to have a couple more academics from NUI Maynooth and Trinity
      6. found out some of the demonWare crew were formerly in Trinity in the Distributed Systems Group so me thinks Trinity is winning on the game company spin-off index..
      7. much discussion of a surfing weekend in Donegal coming up either on the May bank holiday or the June bank holiday..not that many of us can surf and we are talking about a very cold sea but hey I hear the poitin is good!

      by the way the next shindig might involve a change of location in Dublin so keep an eye here for further information..


      PS Tony did any of those pics from the night turn out?

    • #10818
      Aphra K

      by the way, did anyone hear something about a bomb scare in a pub on Pearse street last night? I was driving home at the time and it looked like it might have been in Mahaffy’s.!!?


    • #10862
      Aphra K

      Some of you already know that I am hoping to give out a small number of awards on the 2nd of April as a token of our appreciation for all the inputs and assistance I’ve had over the past year. Ian has suggested we call them the ‘GDs’!

      We are hoping to have five categories; tentative names follow, feel free to make your own suggestions as to what each award should be called.

      1. Stamina award
      The person who signed up to the forums near the very beginning and is still posting…

      2. Sprint award
      The person who has recently registered but is furiously posting and rapidly moving up the posting ladder

      3. Humour award
      The funniest post on the boards…we’ll be taking nominations on this…

      4. Salmon of knowledge..
      The most informative/useful post ..we’ll be taking nominations on this one too…

      5. ‘GD’ of the year….
      The most significant, useful, funny presence on the boards and at the shindigs over the past year – apart from my good self of course! Make your nomations through this thread please …

      You can post your nominations here and the closing date will be Friday the 26th of March. Then a high quality jury consisting of myself, Padraig Murphy aka Hamish here in DCU, and a neutral other who I still have to recruit..will make the final decisions…

      still time of course to make witty, intelligent posts and lobby the jury!!


    • #10906
      Aphra K

      I’ve been talking to both Mahaffys and Toners about being the venue for the birthday shindig.

      Why change the venue you ask? Well the first shindig was in Toners and as it turns out they are willing to reserve tables downstairs for us from 7pm. Mahaffys can only keep tables for us if we arrive around 6pm which I think might be a bit much to expect for people travelling from outside Dublin..

      so if people don’t object I was going to book tables downstairs in Toners on Baggott Street, again centre of Dublin, for the 2nd of April shindig…

      maps and directions will follow in a mail and on the calendar..

      now all we need are nominations via the website or by e-mail to me…

      and suggestions/volunteers for sponsorship for awards..


    • #10929

      1. Stamina award
      The person who signed up to the forums near the very beginning and is still posting…[/quote:4461c8c9c6]
      Pete or Omen I guess – pete on the basis that he will actually have been signed up for over a year by the time the shindig happens…

      2. Sprint award
      The person who has recently registered but is furiously posting and rapidly moving up the posting ladder
      Tony, with an astonishing 102 posts in the Feb/Mar period (to date) has to be a shoe in for this one. That compares rather embarassingly to Aphra, who had 57 in the same time frame.

      3. Humour award
      The funniest post on the boards…we’ll be taking nominations on this… [/quote:4461c8c9c6]
      Aphra, possibly unknowingly, should probably win this one with her commentary on the Upstart games / Nokia challenge –

      “I heard they should be making an announcement by the end of this week or early next…


      4. Salmon of knowledge..
      The most informative/useful post ..we’ll be taking nominations on this one too…[/quote:4461c8c9c6]

      Darwen / Ronny / Monument with their resources thread.

      5. ‘GD’ of the year….
      The most significant, useful, funny presence on the boards and at the shindigs over the past year – apart from my good self of course! [/quote:4461c8c9c6]
      Going to ignore Aphra and nominate her anyway. Setting up the site was just a little more significant and useful then anything anyone else has done.


    • #10931
      Aphra K

      no one ever listens to me!

      Thanks for your nominations Dave…

      Tony is obviously on a major catch up drive…it won’t work Tony!!


    • #10932

      Well, he’s already thrown Omen and myself aside on the way to the top…

    • #10934

      I’m gonna have to nominate Ian for the humour award, he’s kept me chuckling with his rapier wit, especially his “side talkin” post, you know the one….

    • #10935

      Ah, but at least it seems I’ve reclaimed 3rd by passing you by Dave :)

    • #10936

      Tony is obviously on a major catch up drive…[/quote:ca39c4e0c4]

      naw… just particularly full of hot air post-crimbo!

    • #10938

      Hi there!

    • #10939

      my name is

    • #10940

      Tony Kay and I want to be

    • #10941

      # 1


      Oh yeah and here’s a useful link, where some games “related” content can be found:



      Idora eh… I mean Ian ;)

    • #10942

      Stamina Award
      I think that Skyclad deserves this one. Sure he’s just been pushed into forth place but he’s been real busy as of late so I think that falling behind is excusable.

      Sprint Award
      Yeah, I agree in saying Idora has this one in the bag. Been really dedicated to the forums lately.

      GD of the year
      And for GD of the year I have to follow Skyclad’s lead in denying Aphra’s orders by nominating her. She really has been spectacular in setting up the site and helping to bring together Irish game dev from all corners of the island.

      Salmon of Knowledge – Darwen / Ronny / Monument with their resources thread. [/quote:989a232247]
      Wow, I have to say that was truly unexpected Dave. Nearly knocked me off my seat when I saw my name. I’m really glad I started that thread now, in fact I just fixed a broken link on the page there now. A GD nomination would just about be the crowning moment of my short career. :)

    • #10947

      Stamina Award
      I guess its Pete…he beat me by a week….so close

      Sprint Award
      Idora is definitelly well up there.
      As a second nominee, I’d put kyotokid forward….34 posts in just over a month, on average thats just over Tony’s average.

      Salmon of knowledge Award
      I’d agree with Dave…the effort that went into compiling the data in that thread deserve it.

      GD Award
      Aphra, just accept it, its all yours :)

    • #10966
      Aphra K

      Thanks for the nominations so far but in relation to the GD of the year award really the GD award cannot go to me..

      it should go to someone who has made a special effort to make the shindigs and is a regular on the forum and helping to grow the industry and the community. As the organiser of the awards I have to be exempt..so please nominate someone else…

      I won’t have a hockey game the next day so you can buy me a pint instead!!


    • #10972
    • #10975
      Aphra K

      Yea Ronny, I am insistent people can’t vote for me…the GD of the year has to go to someone else….there are certainly a few people who have made valient efforts to attend shindigs and written very useful posts and articles for the website. I have a few in mind….


    • #10976
      Aphra K

      by the way Jab has agreed to be the neutral person on the nominations…Ian and Co are working with me on getting a cool trophy developed..and since ye are all busy preparing for GDC we will extend the deadline for nominations till next Wed..the 31st…come on GD of the year…one nomination for Tony…we can’t let him just walk away with it!


    • #10977

      GD of the Year…ummm

      Idora – for his work with IGDA
      Skyclad – for his constat presence
      Omen – for Dare input
      Johnnyslim – for web development
      GrifMike – for his advise as probably the most successful irish game developer as the moment?

      I know i put myself in there, but I thought I’d throw up a number of nominations because there weren’t many coming forward. Just my thoughts, tear them to pieces as you will :)


    • #10978
      Aphra K

      that’s more like it….a real competition..

      I’ll ignore the fact that you snuck yourself in!


    • #10983

      hey, no one else was gonna do it :p

    • #10985
      Aphra K

      I might also mention that Dylan Collins was very influential in getting EI to sponsor an Irish ‘room’ at GDC this year where Irish game companies can hold their meetings..given Dylan’s ability to run around and do ten things at the same time as well as popping into the shindigs I think for GD of the year he deserves a nomination…and he is on the IGDA Ireland committee…


    • #11015
      Aphra K

      I would just like to point out that Omen has overtaken Idora again in terms of number of posts..and as Idora is across the water at GDC it looks like he won’t be fighting back…

      I’m luvin’ it…


    • #11111
      Aphra K

      ok people the final week to our birthday shindig…

      we have closed nominations although we could be influenced by particularly persuasive lobbying on behalf of particular posts…the nominations will be posted later today..

      if anyone can think of people we should invite on friday night please let me know and I will add them to the reminder invitation I will send around later today..

      if anyone is a dab hand at photography let me know cause I would like to make sure we have a couple of cameras around on the night..

      any other suggestions…?


    • #11113

      if anyone is a dab hand at photography let me know cause I would like to make sure we have a couple of cameras around on the night..[/quote:9da00c327a]
      Had this been next year then I’d be your man as I have a keen interest in photography and intend on taking a course in it. However, if you would like my amateur shots then feel free. I should be able to borrow a camera for Friday, provided it is fixed in time… long story. ;)

      I’m looking forward to seeing the complete nominations and can’t wait to come down on Friday.

    • #11119
      Jamie Mc

      I’ll be popping along for an hour between 8.30 and 9.30 for the awards before going on the tear at my end of exams party, so I’ll have my camera with me, I can mail them across to you over the weekend after.

      any other suggestions…?[/quote:dc8f96c88a]

      Free booze? Strippers? I don’t know. Maybe a birthday cake if someone who isn’t a student with no money (like me at the moment) can bake >:)


    • #11120
      Aphra K

      if only I could bake..!


    • #11121

      the nominations will be posted later today..[/quote:6dd305390a]

      Please tell me this didn’t go up.
      Otherwise I’m gone completely web-incompetent and can’t find it :(

    • #11130
      Aphra K

      no they didn’t go up…the day ran away with me…shall be in touch with Padraig and Jab shortly to see if we have agreed on the final nominations..

      oh, and it is our birthday…happy first birthday to gamedevelopers.ie and all its users!

      the first articles and news items were added to the site this day last year…


    • #11131

      no they didn’t go up[/quote:39a50d286d] Phew! Was getting worried there for a second.

      One year old today, isn’t it cute :p

      No Google-esque graphic to mark the occasion though… :(

    • #11132
      Aphra K

      want to send us one?


    • #11133

      I’d love to, but the lads in the office still laugh at my last foray into art. Created some place-holder models in Max and I was ridiculed for it….my art days are over until I get some time so pratice.
      Maybe some of our budding artists could help?
      Jsut a thought, but maybe a some kind of regular update could be implemented. Would be a cool way to get someone to continually show off some artistic talent??

    • #11134

      that’s a really good idea, Omen

      On another note –

      Happy Birthday GD!!!

    • #11138
      Aphra K

      we’ve been discussing the nominations and there are a number of spoiled votes…I thought I should share them with you…

      1. Humour –
      a couple of anonymous nominations for the nGage challenge and its organisation…
      a nomination for my posts about the nGage winner being announced ‘shortly’!

      2. Stamina award –
      a strange nomination for Skyclad which suggests that he should marry Omen (this wasn’t posted…sent to me directly…I take no responsibility…)

      the counting continues…


    • #11140

      a strange nomination for Skyclad which suggests that he should marry Omen [/quote:8182170d88]
      I don’t think we’re at that stage yet….I’ve never even met Dave…is he cute?? :p

    • #11141
      Aphra K

      he has long blonde hair..


    • #11143

      Sounds like a dream-boat…i’m convinced!

    • #11145
      Aphra K

      and the nominees are….


      1. Ian Hannigan
      2. Omen
      3 Kyotokid
      4 Skyclad
      5 the Ngage competition (only joking!)

      Salmon of Knowledge:
      1. Ronny
      2. Monument
      3. Darwen
      4. Grifmike

      GD of the Year
      1. Idora
      2. Skyclad
      3. Johnny Slim
      4. Grifmike
      5. Dylan Collins

      both the stamina and sprint awards are more mathematical and we are finalising how we define them…maybe I should have chosen different terms…

      anyway it would be great if these people could show up for the awards as we are getting rather nice trophies made ..

      we will decide the winners probably by tomorrow and announce the winners on the night but as I’ve said before…feel free to lobby!! & start writing your acceptance speeches…


    • #11146

      We need some like the one of Santa asleep in his own pee


    • #11148

      a nomination for my posts about the nGage winner being announced ‘shortly’![/quote:95abfb686c]
      I’m sure it was dead earnest at the time. Doesn’t mean it’s not funny now though… :)

      a strange nomination for Skyclad which suggests that he should marry Omen (this wasn’t posted…sent to me directly…I take no responsibility…)[/quote:95abfb686c]
      Nah. We’d spend too much time fighting over the house computer to get our post count up…


    • #11150

      Are the nominees for the humour category based on one post or general (mis)behaviour?

      Being able to quote the winning post at the award would be funky :)


    • #11152

      We’d spend too much time fighting over the house computer to get our post count up…[/quote:70ed65fc25] You’d be too busy using it to do ‘work’ all the time for me to get near it. Then you’d blame the ‘work’ as the reason for not being able to post more.

    • #11153

      Okay, just been confirmed… I unfortunatelly won’t be making it to the birthday bash I’m afraid as I am required somewhere else.

      I’ll be in Ireland at the end of April though.

    • #11154
      Aphra K

      oh, I think the humour posts will be quoted…

      generally there was one post that really clinched the nomination but one of the nominations was made on the basis of overall contributions..

      sorry to hear omen you can’t make it over..I hope I have the pleasure of introducing you to Skyclad some day!


    • #11156
    • #11160

      sorry to hear omen you can’t make it over..I hope I have the pleasure of introducing you to Skyclad some day![/quote:af7fb4fe97] Its the suspence that titilates me :p

      I’m afraid that May is no good either :(
      I’m only home for the weekend in April. My current contract ends mid May, although I hope sort the future out soon (maybe even on Friday!). I assume May will be the beginning of the month, so that’ll be the final weeks of the current project which wouldn’t really work, although I think we’re ahead of schedule!
      Haven’t made it to any unfortunatelly, that damned sea keeps getting in the way! Reckon the only ones of ye across the water that I’ve met Aphra and Mike Griffen ….although I realised some of ye recognise me from the dare event. Even Dave knows who I am from that…

    • #11161

      I wont be over before May either :(

      To quote that prick, Simple Red: “moneys too tight to mention”

    • #11164


    • #11166

      Funniest post ever? :)
      (it had me LOLing…)
      (apologies…hard days work)
      (yes, I do actually work from time to time Damian) :)

    • #11168

      LOL, I think just for that we should all chip in and pay for you to come over. ;)

      Correction for Damian, the next IGDA meeting is on the 5th of May. Not the May Shindig as I said…

    • #11217

      Okay, this is me signing off for today.
      I won’t be in the office tomorrow, so I’ll be the first to say, “Have a good one tomorrow night!”
      If I win anything….hands off, its mine!
      Sorry I can’t be there, maybe I’ll be around in the near future.

      Have a good night one and all, and someone, buy Aphra a drink for me for bringing us all together…i’ll get you back someday ;)

      And remember….eagles may soar, but weasels don’t get sucked into jet engines!

      ps….today was a long day in the office…

    • #11218

      Woot! No posts from Omen for a day. Wonder can I catch up!


    • #11219

      Don’t tempt me to come into work on saturday!

    • #11221

      Thanks Omen!

      I’m sure we’ll all have a fantastic day. I’ll be leaving Belfast afternoon time and I’ll once again be forced to endure the mind-numbing three hours of my life. It’ll all be worth it though. Also, give me some time to think :)

      Hope you can make it to a shindig some time this year. Enjoy your weekend off.

    • #11229

      Its tonight in Toners and not maffetys?

      Will try and get there tonight for about 8 to meet you all!

      Brian ;)

    • #11230
      Aphra K

      yes Toners..downstairs….

      come up and introduce yourself…I’ll be the female in the corner…


    • #11231

      A female in the corner!

      I’m sure it will be obvious .. you’ll be wearing your 7of9(start-trek) costume right ;)

      See you later.

    • #11232

      I hope you all co-ordinate you outfits, since it was mentioned already, I suggest Star Trek outfits.

      (just to ensure heavy beatings on the streets of Dublin) :D

    • #11236

      I’ll have to be Datea (the robot dude) as i an white and pasty enough so wont need an make-up!


    • #11237

      I would be Dr. Beverly Crusher.

    • #11238

      Can’t make it tonight Guys and Gal(s).

      Shame, because I really was looking forward to Tony’s speech (I’m sure he will make one even if he doesn’t win)! :)

      This whole trekkie thing got me thinking, strange feeling for a friday evening. My spock costume will have to wait until next time but I was wondering could you tell something about a person by the trekkie character they would pick aside from age (for all those ridiculously young people out there spock was in the original star trek! Ok maybe everyone does know that regardless of their age).

      So Data and Dr. Crusher, would you care to comment? I think we better wait for Aphra to choose her own costume as 7of9 was assigned by Woody.

    • #11239


      Not even a Star Treck fan though one of the guys i lived with it used to watch everyday so i know a bit!

      I dont think there is any of them i could really see myself as…. though with the skin colour of Datea and facial features of Warf and the ears of a Romulain (i think thats how there spelt) i would need to have a new race invented! Compunerd maybe?

      Everybody likes to have the game developers fit a sterotype so was just playing up to it! So wont be wearing by Star treck costume or carrying my light-sabre or putting on my Elven Cloak as when i peak out through the curtains of my dark room with the sun hurting my eyes i can see its a nice day. :rolleyes:

    • #11250
      Aphra K

      Thanks to all who turned up on Friday night to help me get my first Sat. hangover in quite a while..

      Kyotokid and GrifMike – we’ll have to arrange sometime to meet so I can give you your awards…

      Thanks to John and Niall on the night for helping me with the images & equipment in the corner –

      Thanks to Jab and Padraig for their help selecting the winners..

      Thanks to Demonware for the chocolates..!

      Sorry to Eddie for soaking him in champagne..


    • #11251

      I missed champagne?!?!, ah nuts.

      Cheers for the award :)

    • #11292

      Aphra, possibly unknowingly, should probably win this one with her commentary on the Upstart games / Nokia challenge – [/quote:b400fecd10]
      LOL – don’t know how I missed this before – a classic, Dave!

      a strange nomination for Skyclad which suggests that he should marry Omen[/quote:b400fecd10]
      he is cute, Omen… and, not a lot of people know this, but he’s also a great dancer…

      Shame, because I really was looking forward to Tony’s speech (I’m sure he will make one even if he doesn’t win)![/quote:b400fecd10]
      ahem! no comment…

    • #11293

      Bloody Hell!

      Please excuse the language.

      Tony, are you going for the ‘I had the last post in every thread on the boards’ award for next year! That keyboard is smokin!

    • #11295

      Hmmm… I wonder if someone is playing catch-up with Omen… ;)

      Eh Tony?

    • #11297

      I’ll not let him do it, even with under-hand tactics like replying to himself in threads.

      I’ll be strong, and if needed, I’ll create personal threads where I can have debates with myself!

    • #11302

      ahem… weren’t you threatening at one point recently to come in on your day off to keep up with posting?!!

      this is not a race!

    • #11304

      Hehe…I actually did call into the library that morning on my way home to check out what I missed and to ask how it went on friday.
      Stop looking at me….so I have no life…leave me be!

    • #11305


      join the gang, mate!

    • #11308
      Aphra K

      first set of pics from Friday night have arrived…thanks to Jamie…

      hope to get them cropped and up sometime today…

      you all look gorgeous!


    • #11345

      The life of a professional game developer…

      Rarely little time to oneself and now we know why… cause they are so insistent on out posting people on an Irish game dev forum!

      Can’t wait to see the pics aphra…

    • #11346

      Its a hard life Ronny, but someone’s got to do it….

    • #11383

      Sweet there are pictures – gimme, gimme!!!

    • #11402
      Aphra K

      see if you can name them all…

    • #11403
      Aphra K


    • #11404
      Aphra K

      Ronny, John, Aaron, Pavel,

    • #11405
      Aphra K

      Pete from Torc Interactive..

    • #11406
      Aphra K

      Ian Hannigan of eSpatial

    • #11407
      Aphra K

      Tony Kelly from Intel

    • #11415
      Aphra K

      I put these images up as I can’t fit them all in the news piece I am writing. Thanks to Jamie and Pavel for most of them…


    • #11419

      Any chance you can name the people in the group photo ?

    • #11429
    • #11431
      Aphra K

      Torc Interactive guy is Greenbean..John I believe…although there are so many Johns around I am getting mixed up..best stick to Greenbean eh..

      Fuschia is Carley..


    • #11433

      Torc Interactive guy is Greenbean..John I believe[/quote:dc7563e4f7]

      Demonware guy[/quote:dc7563e4f7]
      is Owen

    • #11434
    • #11456

      See attached image, its the image I wanted to be shown for my Sprint award.

    • #11458

      Haha, don’t worry Ivan. We all got to see your pic. ;)

      Congrats on the award btw.

    • #11460
      Aphra K

      Ivan we included your picture in a flash sequence we showed on the night..sorry, should have put it here too…


    • #11462

      Looks like that picture might have been taken DURING a flash sequence!!

    • #11481

      From left to back row back:
      Eoin from Demonware (some call him Dylan though), Tony Kelly, John from Torc, Sean from Demonware and hiding at the back Pete from Torc.

      The middle row, for want of a better name has Carley (laughing), Ronny (smiling) and Erin (hanging tongue).

      Near the front are Ian “funny guy” Hannigan, me, and Aphra smiling politely despite knowing we were all behind her :)


    • #11496

      Eoin from Demonware (some call him Dylan though)[/quote:67d6735592]

      uh, no i’m pretty sure they just call him eoin :-)

    • #11551

      :D congrats on the awards there guys :D

      those piccies will help me recognise a few more of you guys if i make it to the next shindig !

    • #11566

      oh yeah I remember now.

      calling me feckin’ Dylan

      again and again …

    • #11567

      Drunken muppets :D
      Speaking of which – company night out + free booze = me happy

      (doh, hangover on a thursday though :p)

    • #11568

      Once, I believe :)

    • #11569


      Maybe you only did it once but with everyone included I think the number is closer to one thousand. ;)

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