Home Forums Programming Game Prototype development quote/partners needed

  • This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 13 years ago by Anonymous.
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    • #8192

      So, I’d like someone to make something for me. As I’m not a programmer.

      I’m looking for a simple single level of an RTS game. Can be SP, MP or even SP (machinima). And Im looking for an estimate on how much it’s going to cost. In money.

      I envisage it as a group of 2D sprites on a 3D isomorphic background.

      Would be nice for mocked up combat (ranged and melee) and some pathfinding for units.

      I’ve received a couple of quotes in terms of XXXX per man per month but that’s way too open-ended.

      I can talk over email to anyone interested – I don’t mind if it’s done in Unity or Cocos2D – though the desired target is iOS, more specifically iPad.

      (and sure, if someone wants to do it and take a % of sales we can talk about that too).

    • #47340

      Stratagus is an open source RTS game engine ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stratagus ). If it’s just a prototype it might be easier to modify that (or one of the games that uses it, like Bos Wars) rather than try to start from scratch.

      Incidentally, there’s a huge dearth of detail in your post. Hard to get excited about a project where we only have the most generic details. Give us the sales pitch, the whole shebang. It’s easier to be interested in something if we know what it’s about :)

    • #47341

      Hi Sofox :)

      I was trying to avoid hyperbole and also avoiding the "Please make this for free and I’ll give you 20% of a maybe in the future"

      The aim is to make a touch-capable game on iPad which would have a similar UI to Total War but be based on small unit tactics.

      The RTS genre is defined by games like Command and Conquer, Starcraft and Warcraft. You collect resources, build bases, train units and attack things. Sometimes there’s a goal but often it’s a death match.

      Thinking of the RTS genre as: part resource collection and building (like Farmville), part Tower Defense (like PvZ, ) and part Skirmish Tactics (like Myth, Total War).

      On iOS, there’s a plethora of Resource Collection and Tower Defense and not much in the way of Skirmish Tactics. I’d like to plug this gap with a skirmish game, with death match, other game modes and also a SP/MP angle as well.

      I have a heap of ideas, some art, some setting and background stuff and a lot of bigger plans. I also only have a little bit of money at the moment and I need a prototype to go and get more as me waving my arms and grinning won’t do the trick.

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