Home Forums General Discussion Gears of War 3

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    • #8215

      So, anyone else played it yet?

      I picked it up this evening but only got about an hour to play it. It looks really slick – I love watching those Lambent burst after pumping them full of bullets – and as with the previous games it feels like you’re in a Summer blockbuster action movie 8)

      I’m interested to see where the story goes too because after GoW2 I was starting to think it might go the "enemy of my enemy is my friend" type of thing with the Locust and the COG allying to take on the Lambent. From what I’ve seen so far it thankfully looks like they didn’t go that route.

    • #47404

      I always liked the stories behind GOW and more importantly the way they were told but the game mechanics never grabbed me. I will probably pick GOW 3 up when it drops in price in a few months.

      Playing Assassins Creed 2 atm. Great game I missed first time round. The first one put me off the series but glad I gave it a second chance.

    • #47501

      Im not really enjoying it…… :oops:

    • #47514

      Anothe Gears hater here… I think the franchise damaged the entire industry in so many ways; primarily with the stupid glue yourself to waist high cover bull. Check out the new Hitman gameplay trailer to see what I mean!

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