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    • #3575

      Who is getting it? besides me.. me..me! only 23 hours. madness!

    • #15586

      I was going to get it, I was really excited about it but then when I read your horrible topic title I rang GAME and cancelled the Pre-order I have had since July.

      I’m sorry the title really is that bad.


    • #15589

      i really have to get an xbox this week! ;) i hope cash converter have a cheap one.

      next weekend me and my ex-flatmates are going to have a halo2-fest….i havn’t played halo in 2 months, thats thee longest i have gone without it since its release…. i need to get some pratice in…

    • #15595

      I’m waiting. Wanna play Half-Life 2 first……

      If I start playing Halo 2 and then get Half-Life 2 I know I will be sucked into Half-Life 2 and end up leaving Halo 2 unplayed for ages, thus breaking up the experience…….

      Once I finish Half-Life 2, I will buy Halo 2.

    • #15600

      That’s exactly my plan too!!! Great minds and all that eh? Or is it fools seldom differ… ah forget it ;)

    • #15609

      Now this is only my first impressions, as I only got the game around ten. Firstly I bought 3 copies 2 limited edition and one non.

      I have 2 XBoxs and one is for a friend. Hey I was expecting to be living in Dublin, so I needed one XBox for home and One for my flat. Anyway I’ll just link them and play 8 player :D

      Anyway more to the point.

      Firstly its much more naritive, and trying to explain the full story. This Is probably going to be very good. I havnt got past the first major missions as Im playing on Legendary.

      AI is damn good, If you shoot the enemy will find cover. So expect alot of tactics being used.

      Weapon Wise I dont like the new rifle. It has what seems to be a 3 shot burst and its not automatic. So gone are the days of simply shooting like a mad man with the alien rifle blaster thing, and storming with a barrage of 60 bullets followed by lots of slaps.

      In the long run this is good as Im sure the later weapons will balance everything. The pistol has been scaled down. But I pickedup the magnum and it didnt look much like teh old one.

      Dual weapons rule. And introduce the tactic of one alien weapon and one submachine gun. So you can blast with the alien weapon until its nearly overheated and riddle the fudgers with the sub. Nice touch. Also you do drop one of the weapons if you switch. Which is good, you will never be the powerhouse in multiplayer.

      I havent played mulitplayer modes yet, but they look fun, and from what I can gather there are no bots, which is a pain. But I wasnt expecting any.

      I have to say I was annoyed to see several scripting glitches and graphical mistakes in the the intro. But I could put that down to the fact that I was playing MC’s and getting in the way of the scripted characters. Also the pace of the first mission is no where near as urgent as the in the first game, even though the premise is the exact same. Which is very odd, so basically not a strong an opening as the in Halo. But Im sure its just building.

      Overall I would say its going to be a fun game, I just have to get use to the controls again as I have been playing alot of FPS games on the PC. And Im sure I will be delighted with the overall game especially when I start with MP modes.

    • #15610

      you’re all gonna hate me. I’m living in London at the minute, and I won tickets to the Halo 2 launch party that was on last night. Free bear, free food, free copy of the game, oh, and about 30 Xboxes System linked with nice shiny 36″ plasma screens to play Halo 2 multiplayer on

      Oh, and some guy dressed up as Master Chief who, quite ironically, sucked balls at the game!

      So yeah, I got my copy.

    • #15611

      I have not got an x box so it looks like i wont be playing it for quite some time. I still have goldeneye though so anyone is welcome to come round and play some 4 player remote mines on the facility! anyone……………..anyone? please……………

    • #15614

      and from what I can gather there are no bots, which is a pain[/quote:35e35f542c]

      That was a real gripe with me for the first game, and even moreso now. I mean come on……add some bots for christs sake. Perfect Dark had bots and as such, in my mind, was a better multiplayer game than Halo(although so was Unreal, Quake etc etc) and will be better than Halo 2 multi also seeing as there are still no bots.

      Its great fun to play with a couple of mates against a load of bots. I just don’t understand why Bungie couldn’t have added bots seeing as nearly every other FPS has them.

    • #15622

      All niggles aside Halo was never about multiplayer for me, excluding co-op. But rather about the campaign and Story. besides with Halo now online, is there any real reason for having bots?

      Oh, I forgot nooptical, your an avid ‘Freeman’ fan. probably a better idea playing one at a time. eh/(=

    • #15624

      Truer words were never spoken.


    • #15625

      I Agree!

    • #15626

      What an imformed opinion. Thank you Kaiser.

    • #15627

      How sad are you xero your sitting right next to us, Slightly childish oh yeah you cant spell!

    • #15629

      i hate you guys

    • #15630

      You cut me deep, Kaiser.
      You cut me real deep.

    • #15631

      Unreal, Battlefield, Quake….all have bots, all are online. So there must be some point to bots…. ;-)

      Co-op is great fun though!!

    • #15632

      What happened to you Xero, you used to be somebody I could trust

    • #15633

      Go Team Oz!!!!!

    • #15634

      Nooptical dont forget those joypads! and remember

    • #15635

      Hey Benedict let off some steam….

    • #15636

      Shouldn’t you guys be studying or something…..

      Damn dirty students…..

    • #15637

      If the Covenant heard your antics!…oh the consequences!

      / \ {-_)

    • #15638

      Yeah were trying to hand up assignments now so we can go home!……………SHACK ATTACK!

    • #15639

      I thought you said you would kill me last?
      I LIED[/arnie]

    • #15640

      Right! I fi don’t recieve a bag of sweets of anyway here within 20 minutes I’m gonna tell the world about Kaizer and Noopti’s “SPOONING” sessions in the Highlands!

    • #15641

      i say we all just run for the door……

    • #15642

      Your all a bunch of slapped jawed fagots around here. This stuff will make you a god damn sexual tyrannosaurus,


    • #15643

      Slap this on your sore ass Blane!

    • #15644

      i say we all just run for the door…… [/quote:700948259f]

      We can’t….There some gimp blocking the way!….goes by the name of LordDeathLord…Oh the terror!

    • #15646

      I would like to declare that I do(not) know any of the parasites currently sifting through this thread!…

      “My wife said to me last week ” I sure would like a new pussy, Mines as big as a house” !!! ha ha ha. i craic me up… ah well off to decapitate some vunerable chickens …

    • #15647

      Who are u Sideshow………I feel I should know you……hmmmmm

      I need yor close, yor bootz and yor motorzycle…

    • #15648


    • #15649

      ah nooptical you should know me………

      im the one that keeps all these chimps on their toes

    • #15650

      I have detailed files, a CPU nueral net processor, cyberdyne systems model 101

    • #15651

      thats enough let me out need to play halo 2 im cracking up in here

      its me

      YOU THERE!!!!!!

    • #15652

      spoon with me tonite dave…….i need it bad

    • #15653



    • #15654

      Okay i didnt post that it was Xero and Side show

    • #15655
    • #15656

      I will not stand idly by, while my good name is being tarnished in such a mannner.

    • #15658

      Remind me to open a can of “yut, yee, san, say” on Omega and Sideshow when I see them next…..

    • #15661

      let me out off here i want to play halo if everyone is here why arnt ye playing halo 2

    • #15663

      Let me guess……Chris?

      Jaysus, the whole of Ballyfermot College must be on these boards…..I’d recognise that foul stench anywhere….. :p

    • #15679

      ’tis a Halo 2 thread?

      Got mine last night, currently (***spoileeeuuur***) on second ring.

      The 2-handed weps is a mean feature and I quite like the new combat rifle: not full auto no more, but meatier (and sounding much better).

      As good as the first, just not the revolution the first was.

      I predict an EDGE 9 :eek: – who’s on?

    • #15681

      I predict an EDGE 9 :eek: – who’s on? [/quote:33b4640fb4]

      I would have to agree, Edge will probably throw a 9 at it alright. I would be surprised if they awarded it 10/10…

      *BID SPOLIER AHEAD*!!!!!

      The only niggle I have with Halo2 is the odd definition between enemies on the levels where you play as an Elite, I often find myself confused as to who’s an ally and to how’s a foe? Regardless it’s a great great game and I watched the special DvD last night and Bungie deserve all that comes to them. A truly dedicated team with great talent, best of luck to them in the future.

    • #15683

      The only niggle I have with Halo2 is the odd definition between enemies on the levels where you play as an Elite, I often find myself confused as to who’s an ally and to how’s a foe? [/quote:51ecc9c7e4]

      You are not colour-blind, are you? :D

      Seriously – only kidding if you are – the reticle turns green on friends and red on foes… I now fell kinda stoopid typing this… doh! Ne’er mind me :rolleyes:

    • #15687

      Seriously – only kidding if you are – the reticle turns green on friends and red on foes… I now fell kinda stoopid typing this… doh! Ne’er mind me :rolleyes: [/quote:2d59d52ec3]

      Come on Steph, simply highlighting a colour above a character especially in the like sof Halo isn’t goin to address the fact that it’s hard to know your enemy. Especially when you spent ALL of Halo killing them, running into a room with Gold/Red/Blue/Yellow/ Elites and having to identify there alligence by the colour of there ‘flag’ is simply odd. Half the time I found myself shooting my own troops while the enemy had a cup o f tea… ah well. Maybe i’m just dumb!

    • #15688

      Nah, not dumb at all – I’d be the first to recognise that in some rooms of that floaty city level, the overall colour tone of the environment and the shadows in there do not make it particularly easy to diferentiate friends from foes.

      I think it’s been made so (confusing) on purpose, to ‘push’ the player to ‘develop empathy’ for a Covenant guy (they’re not all so bad, they’re just following misplaced orders, after all… See, why isn’t there a tranquilizer gun so you don’t have to kill them every time? :D ).

      There’s some masochistic side in me: I can’t wait to get back home tonight, just so I can reflect that I’ll only have an hour or so to get ready and head back out to a corporate knees-up… instead of enjoying the temporary absence of wife and tribe and indulge in Halo 2 for hours with no fall-out… :( …and contemplate how many chores left to be done over the week-end before being able to grab that pad again whilst at the corporate do! (cries profusely, now).

    • #15690

      I never considered the fact that the colour and set up of the levels might be deliberate. well, now I do.

      As for the ‘corporates’ Steph, head into Centre after and grab a bag of ‘extra strong black coffee’ and drink from the Devils cup.
      Then go home turn the lights out, hook your X-Box up to the largest visual aid and turn the sound up…up…up!

      Marty o’donnell has outdone himself again.

      da da da daaaa di di da daaaaa.:p

    • #15691

      Aaa-hear-you, ‘got to do the Bungie guys credit:

      32″ WideScreen courtesy of Sanyo & 5.1 courtesy of KEF KHT-2005 setup – grandioso!

      Just wish screen was plasma or LCD, but Crimbo’s nearing :D

    • #15692

      Just wish screen was plasma or LCD, but Crimbo’s nearing :D [/quote:0ff5fb8f73]

      Speaking of which my mate works in a bar with a massive massive massive 54″ telly, and he’s closing up tonight, he he. Said he was gonnn stay behind and play Halo 2 on it da Muther F$%*”@…


      ——-*foot steps are heard dashing across the room and a sudden roar of an engine echoes…Omead’s Dust is gone*——-

    • #15693

      (Red light flashing, alarm klaxons blaring) :eek: – just clocked projector in boardroom!!! Didn’t know our company had one!

      (Puts on best cockney accent-) Hang on a minute lads, ‘got an idea :D

    • #15694

      Back of the hand mate, back of the hand.


      I hate my dumb ass Mono t.v!

      Right I’m off for a quick game, must defeat Humans!….arghh

    • #15695

      Just noticed Sig’ (doh!): “Damn! If I were an Elite I’d go see a Dentist”

      I’m still on the floor laughing!

    • #15711

      Just completed Halo 2, what…a…game! One of the best stories ever to be told. and the end?, well it’s epic. It has lived up to my expectations and exceeded them also.

      Kudos Bungie.

    • #15720

      Top narrative (oh such a precious thing, indeed!) and ah, yes, the end… Is there one – I’ve finished it on normal and [DON’T READ IF YOU DON’T WANT TO KNOW] there’s just Master Chief coming back 2 Earth on that peculiar-looking ship, saying he’s gonna finish this fight, then… What? It just ends like that? No ‘proper’ end? Just a cliffhanger until Halo 3? Or have I got to finish on hard/legendary to play the last ‘ship’ level?

      If CM saying he’s going to “finish this fight” is the actual end of the campaign in Halo 2, I’m well disappointed – there’s only a smallish bit of the story on Earth, everything else is ‘already seen’… Are we gonna have to wait for a new Halo game for each of the remaining rings? I mean, come on! How many more times will we have to battle the flood in the Library :mad:

      Revise my previous post re. EDGE – make that an 8 (unless the online multiplayer feature warrants the 9, in which case fair enough).

    • #15722

      Great Story, Great music, lots of action.
      Some boring bits.

      I am on the second arbitor (is that who he is) level

    • #15723

      i bought an xbox and halo 2 on friday, finished the game on sunday. i flew through the game, i really enjoyed it, but was a bit let down by the ending, i didn’t think i was anywhere near the end… and the end boss was easy (i did not know he was a boss). i thought the game would have ended with a level as the master chief…. still i love cloaking, and killing a load of brutes.

      i see edge give it 9 or 10 because it is a great game and completely different from the first.

      can’t wait to play the new blood gulsh with the lads ;)

    • #15724

      i didn’t think i was anywhere near the end… and the end boss was easy (i did not know he was a boss)[/quote:cba53c60e9]

      My feelings exactly – may explain why I’m ranting more than raving about it…

      i see edge give it 9 or 10 because it is a great game and completely different from the first[/quote:cba53c60e9]

      Agree with “great game” moniker, but not so sure it’s completely different from the first, though:

      First level in a spaceship, repelling Covenant boarders – seen that before, somewhere… and thereafter more of the same.

      The Earth levels are great, but I feel they’ve been under-used or quickly-hashed: the driving bit in tunnels goes on for far too long with too little gameplay variations. What about the scope for sniping from miles, from a skyscraper? Or fly a pelican around, do some air/air combat around buildings, drop troops? Or pilot the spider-thing after boarding and clearing it?

      After Earth, it’s just back to Halo and samey architecture and levels…

      Playing as an elite (and cloaking – although it wears off too quick) and the Earth+Covenant joint ops is a neat development, but unincidental on gameplay.

      As I wrote earlier in this thread, an evolution rather than the revolution it’s been hyped up to be… but that’s just me


    • #15726

      i understand your points, but i feel that u had preconsepations of what the game would be like before u played it, and that is why you now feel let down (fair enough, what u describe sounds cool)

      but bungie revealed very little about the main game so u can not blame them for not living uo to their promise, they did not promise anything (bar a great game).

      i did not expect anything bar more of the same, and new multi player maps, personal i think halos multi player is its greatest strength, we played that game to pure death over 2 years, aand it never got old…we got other games to try and replace, brute force (what a let down), timesplitters (fun, but for multiplayer, not a patch on halo) ghost recon (good game…but its no halo).

      btw i had halo dreams all weekend, i used to get them a lot, now there are back, with better graphic, and a cool sword

    • #15727

      “and a cool sword”

      That is a cool sword :)

      I am not blown away by it either, luckily Gordon’s new game will be out tomorrow :)

    • #15728

      No, I don’t think I had preconceptions as such…

      I purposefully refrained from seeking out more details during the gestation of the game right up until Release Day – knowing the game was on the way all this time was enough.

      But then, as an EDGE subscriber, it was hard not to read snippets here and there ;)

      All the same, MS and Bungie didn’t say pip about the campaign mode, but (I’m being cynical now) may be if they had, there would not have been the same anticip[ation about what would be in and what wouldn’t… as it would have appeared like the same-o same-o game it is (at least in Campaign mode).

      By all means, don’t get me wrong – I can see myself playing this for the next two years like I did its predecessor (only game I never traded since I got my ‘Box, shortly after launch), and it IS a great game – one of the greatest to be sure. But it just hasn’t got that ‘zing’, that ‘je ne sais quoi’ that the first one had the first time I played it and for a while further still… I mean, the first you’ve ever played “The Silent Cartographer”… you know…pretty hard to describe…There just isn’t a level in H2 where I’ve felt this.

    • #15731

      i got that ” this is cool” moments when i was driving the tank over the bridge with all the ghost and ship coming at u, and takinn the out , that was cool. also the sword…

      but i understand where u are coming from, when halo first came out, it was so different, so much freedom. now the rest off the field has cought up, the same game would not impress as much…

      i’m not saying halo 2 is the greatest game ever, just saying… its a bloody great game

    • #15794

      Givin that I’ve had almost a week now too digest waht I’ve played I can say now that although I love the game with a apassion I fell that somethi g sinister has occured, Steph you were under the impression that Legendary might open up a ‘final’ level. Well it doesn’t, there isn’t even an extention to the original ending, also some things in the game just don’t make any sense. I took me 4 hrs to finish it on Normal, 4hrs! thats about the same amount of time it took me to finish Truth and reconsiliation in the original. So many things don’t add up in the game play, and indeed the story. Things just arn’t explained. Like the Heretic leader, who is he? why has he turned? how does he come into contact with guilty spark? why doesn’t he explain things to the arbitor? where is this space station their on?.

      There are so many things that are left unexplained, and it is made all the more questionable seeing that Bungie have said that Myth 4 is the next game in production and not Halo 3, so thats atleast 5-6 years before we see a new Halo. and whats all this ‘on Nov 9th earth will never be the same again?’ christ there is only one level on earth, when i saaw all the battle ships from the window on the boarding station level descend into Earth I thought that I was going to be spending a good few levels if not the hole game there, alas that was not to be. Ah well I could sit here all day and right about things that seem odd to me, but really I think i’ll just play some HL2 instead. Can’t wit to see the Edge review, be prepared to be shocked!

    • #15795

      Glad it’s not just me… I don’t mind paddling against the tide, but I was worried I was suffering from terminal videogamingis disinterestmentis :D

    • #15798

      u completed it on Legendary, well done!

      i heard there is a multi player map called Foundation that can be unlocked, but the first game had no unlockable features, so i’m not expecting any!

      there were so many incredable therys going around ( with ilovebumblebee.com) that in the end it wasn’t a incredable story, just a good one told/played well. i find thought that with anything in life, anything that is hyped is (no matter how good) a let down, and anything that you are told is shite is not that bad!

      in the end i was happy with it, i had fun playing it over the weekend…. but for me the real fun is tomorrow, bettween 8-16 play with “the lads” for about 12 hrs, and a good few cans :D

    • #15801

      Foundation is an unlockable map, and I played it on Legendary to test the doctor’s theory that my heart is in a bad state, lol.

      Just a few points about all these Conspiracy theory’s going around:

      If any of you are interested in reading some of them visit http://www.bungie.net and click forums-New Mombasa. you will find interesting tales there.

      As for me, I will wait and see. But I have a sneaking suspicion Bungie is up to something.

    • #15813

      Originally posted by Darksaviour69
      i find thought that with anything in life, anything that is hyped is (no matter how good) a let down, and anything that you are told is shite is not that bad![/quote:17b6775d40]

      I must be the only person in ireland without an xbox so I can’t comment on the game, but this all sounds like Medal of Honor Rising Sun when it was released on playstation. Because it came after frontline everyone was expecting it to be brilliant, but were shocked by the four hours of gameplay it provided, and the … clifthanger ending, which left everyone wondering what just happened. Totally agree with darksaviour, when it’s bigged up so much, no game could ever compete with the expectation.

      Although HL2 is probably gonna turn round and prove that all wrong.

    • #15816

      So whats the general consensus then. Is it good or not. If so is it great or not. Is it better than the original ?
      I’m hearing a lot of people aren’t that impressed with it. Over-hype is probably the main contributer to that. From the general player’s perspective ( someone not paid for a good review ) what would you score it out of 10 ???

    • #15818

      what would you score it out of 10 ??? [/quote:9db4f8159c]

      For the simply fact that the Game along with the original made me experience a unigue story told by unique people in a unique world, and above all is cause for sessions of serious nostalgia(the original in this case) I would give it 10/10, call me a Fanboy(ahem) but I think Halo, and indeed Bungie in general are the best things to happen to the industry in a long while.

      :p :)

    • #15821

      But you said in a previous post that the story is full of gaping holes ??

    • #15823

      As it’s been posted earlier – I’m waiting on EDGE with baited breath, this is going to be something.

      10 because it’s Halo (or the multiplayer aspect)?

      9 because it IS a great game, just not on a par with Halo when it first appeared?

      8 because the disppointment takes the reviewer over?

      I personally would 9 -it. It’s the same as Halo, only tweaked and better-looking, and it still rules as far as console games are generally concerned.

      But, butbutbutbutbut – yep, Omega’s Dust, you may be onto something. I can’t see Bungie taking that long to output ‘just’ this (read: tart up the levels and implement the online multiplayer). There’s got to be something… Call Mulder & Scully, or let’s start our own conspiracy.

      UPDATE: Feb 9th… 2005 or 2006? :D

    • #15825

      9 because it IS a great game, just not on a par with Halo when it first appeared?[/quote:139d2e5199]

      i.e. it was way ahead of the field when it came out, but its not so ahead now.

      when edge reviewed halo 4 the p.c. they gave it 9 saying just that… i c them giveing 9… but maybe a 10, i still have to give the multiplayer levels ago (roll on tommorow night)

      being the sado that i am, i been scouting the multiplayer levels, they look pretty cool. the new versions of blood gulch and battle creek, (now bittter creek) look cool

    • #15826

      But you said in a previous post that the story is full of gaping holes ?? [/quote:0b3d1089a5]

      Indeed I did, but to me these gaps only make the need to know more even more compeling for the player. Will explain more later.


      Something is going around concerning an update on Feb 9th, has anyone read about it?… Things are about to get interesting, anyone can see that if Bungie leave the game the way it is now for another 5 years it will be commercial suicide!, especialyy with ‘that’ ending.

    • #15837

      Supposedly (from Bungie Forum postings)… the last line of the credits when finishing the game on Legenbary states “Coming February 9th”.

      The a whole bunch of suppositions ensues. Which is why I asked -which year? 2005 and it’s for XBOX :D, 2006 and it may be for XBOX2 :mad: (if there’s anything to it, of course).

    • #15847

      It’s all fun and games until someone gets really pissed off, I mean teasing people with snippets like this is asking for it. It’s the same as the ‘I-love bees’ thing a few months back. Bungie love leaving riddles in their wake, pity they don’t spend that time playing tom-foolery making a longer and more complete Halo2.

    • #15851
    • #15852
    • #15857

      I’m much more concerned about the 4 hours game play.

      and if you think bungie didn’t fan the flames of the hype you’re badly mistaken. Reveiwers only het hyped about what they’re been told and shown by the studio. Bungie hyped it as much as possible and I wouldn’t blame them, it sold them millions of extra copies.

    • #15859

      I’m much more concerned about the 4 hours game play.

      in normal mode, not in heroic mode. i think i could do halo (1) in 4 – 6 hours in normal mode.

      i have a lot of respect for bungie for not reveiling too much about the main game.

      i always like bungie, before the halo days, marathon was a great game. marathon and halo it like what doom is to quake.

    • #15860

      It all doesn’t really matter anyway, and while I think there are gaping holes in the story i think this is a deliberate ploy to generate even more interest and hype from fans. I think the game is great, no I think it is amazing, and I also critisize it for it’s short comings but then again I know Bungie is up to something so hopefully I will be provin right, and If not then there’s always the long wait for Halo 3 to keep me interested, and like DarkSaviour said Bungie are one of my Fav developers, maybe not since the Marathon days but now and definatly forever!:p

    • #15929

      sometimes I think that the endings of games are always disappointing – no matter how good that ending is – because of the intense identification with the character whilst playing….

      I thought the end of Halo2 was great – yeah, it left things wide open for another sequel – but that’s what you’d pretty much expect, I would have thought

      possible SPOILER below

      and personally I wasn’t sure if MC was heading towards or away from Earth… but I thought away…

    • #15930

      Fair point, but that still does not account for the brevity of it all.

      I’d rate myself an average gamer (was always crap at SF2 :D ), and finishing H2 on ‘normal’ in 4 to 5 hours is -given the ticket price- inexcusable.

      In terms of entertainment value, generally, I don’t think H2 is going to help the old “price vs experience” argument (movie length/cinema ticket price vs game experience/game price) leaning towards VideoGames, is it?

      I still feel cheated :mad: , and it’s going to take something a bit special and soon from Bungie to shake this “seen it (the disappointment) with the Matrix movies” feeling I have…

    • #15931

      You could always play it on Legendary steph, The way Bungie intended it to be played. As for price-Value argument?, well Consider this you will have Halo 2 for the rest of your gaming life and may play it many many times, alone or in multiplayer, all for 60 euro, a dvd these days costs 30 euro and you watch it what? 3 times?.

    • #15934
    • #15935

      i play a few 8 player games last friday, at first i was not to happy, it was quite different to halos multiplayer game (the levels are now huge! ) but after awhile i got use to the new layout, and in the end it was better than the old multiplayer…one big gripe is that the way that parts of the screen are given to each player…. the old way was that player 1 ( in the first port) was given the top left of the screen, and player 2 was given top right and so on, so it was everyone knows where to sit to be closest to there part of the screen…. but now its in a mixed up order (i think in the order u joined the game) which just plain sucks!

    • #15937
    • #15939

      Yeah… hear you allright. I was contemplating a Neo-Geo AES only the other week.

      In the end, I walked away. I was too scared it would trigger a chain reaction and I’d go compulsive-obsessive retro all over again.

      But…..damn, that white PCE looked good on eBay the other day ;)

      Will move onto Flat-Out next, if Santa’s got my letter :D

    • #15940

      Yeah… hear you allright. I was contemplating a Neo-Geo AES only the other week. [/quote:65836c99f1]

      Went through a phase not so disimilar a few years back. When I was living in Cork. There was a shop called vibes and scribes that somehow came into posession of unsold Snes(fully packaged from warehouse)titles. Well being to obsessive I bout about 20 of them, oh and a Saturn with Sega Rally/Nights into Dreams and a good few others. I used to collect these games for a few quid instead of buying new releases. That changed though when the shop became dry(I have a sneaking suspicion that it was my doing). Anyway’s if I see a title for an old system of mine that i really really want I will buy it. Oh and Steph Picture this; Metal Slug in your own home with that chunky arcade stick!…Hmmm that AES may have been a good purchase, Doh!

    • #15946

      didn’t just read this… didn’t just open a new window and eBay in there either… nope, non no no – just didn’ t search Neo Geo AES, worldwide avail, Paypal accept…

      Omega’s Dust – Playing on my psyche like that, that was cruel and uncalled for :(

    • #15949

      I’d rate myself an average gamer (was always crap at SF2 ), and finishing H2 on ‘normal’ in 4 to 5 hours is -given the ticket price- inexcusable.[/quote:20d2446e01]

      I agree!
      I’ve got Halo, played it once. Haven’t replayed it, haven’t done multi-player, except when trying to appease my gril-friend’s little brother ( and even then he doesn’t play properly! ). I’m not convinced on the price tag for such a short game.

    • #16126

      so hte edge review is out and its……… 9/10, good review makes good points
      “If you have mastered halo, then bypass halo 2s Normal skill setting….”
      looking a the pictures in the review make me want to play it again!!

      so other interesting review scores
      GTA:SA = 9…. was there any doubt
      Metroid prime2 = 8… only just finished the first one,
      Prince of Persia:WW = 7… dissapointed with that score… loved the first one, seems Ubisoft rushed it again!
      Killzone = 6… ps2’s “halo beater” fails, shame, it looked very promising
      The Getaway:BM = 3… no real suprise there, still i sure it will sell loads
      last month HL2 got a 10/10… edges 6th 10/10 in over 10 years!

    • #16127

      I was indeed surprised by Edge’s review section this month. But in all fairness all the games that got high scores deserved them!. There is a very interesting articel by Tim Guest on a onlin game in the states called Second life. In it he describes hoe a player constructed two soaring skyscrapers similar in aesthetics to the Twin tower trade centres. Then after showing people his creation in the game world he Blew them up!, read the articel in full to find out what kind of responses he got. It is very interesting.

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