Home Forums Programming how many j2me game programmers are there?

  • This topic has 11 replies, 8 voices, and was last updated 18 years ago by Anonymous.
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    • #4925


      I was just wondering how many people on the forum are invovled with phone game programming? or phone apps.

      I noticed that most of the topics on the forum seem to be PC related (for the most part, with some console topics) and i was curious to know if anyone was into j2me coding much.

      I’m currently working on a few phone games in my spare time, its good craic i must say, quite challenging to come up with a simple enough concept that would make people play more and more without relying on cool looking graphics, and having limited resources to work with.

    • #28711

      Hi Anthony, there are more than few lurkers on the forums working for mobile game companies. As for numbers though… might be tricky

    • #28926

      Hi guys,

      First post. Long time listener first time caller etc. :wink:

      But, yeah ive recently started into mobile games, and I agree with anthony, it is fun working within the restraints of a mobile device. It is a challange.

      Idora, do you know anyone personally who is working as mobile games programmer?

    • #28928

      Hi guys,

      First post. Long time listener first time caller etc. :wink:

      But, yeah ive recently started into mobile games, and I agree with anthony, it is fun working within the restraints of a mobile device. It is challange.

      Idora, do you know anyone personally who is working as mobile games programmer?[/quote:7ef3b26bcc]

      Meet a few of them at awakenings who worked for upstart in dublin. Theres definately a good few knocking about.

    • #28931

      Hi guys,

      First post. Long time listener first time caller etc. :wink:

      But, yeah ive recently started into mobile games, and I agree with anthony, it is fun working within the restraints of a mobile device. It is challange.

      Idora, do you know anyone personally who is working as mobile games programmer?[/quote:fa37b09fd6]

      Meet a few of them at awakenings who worked for upstart in dublin. Theres definately a good few knocking about.[/quote:fa37b09fd6]
      Cool, are any of the guys regular posters here?

      Id be interested to know how they got started etc. I’ve seen positions available at Upstart for J2ME / Brew developers, but one of the requirements is examples of work that is commercially available. :?

    • #29898


      My first post…

      I’m studying the Java programming language in college. I am currently doing my final year project. I am coding using the J2ME sdk.

      I am very interested in games and I will be persuing a games industry career. The J2ME project is a mobile phone game.

      It’s funny though using the J2ME I find I have far less code that any of my friends (obviously because of them using the full java sdk), but I hope the lack of LOC doesn’t go against me.


    • #30155

      just thinking about jumping into jsme meself…nearly finished a desktop java game…thinking about porting it….its not that much different is it?

    • #30157

      nice to have you onboard pa “superflyninja”

    • #30159

      I like sweets

    • #30164

      its not that much different is it?[/quote:424a020ccc]

      Famous last words :twisted:

    • #30195

      its not that much different is it?[/quote:3fafec1ad6]

      Famous last words :twisted:[/quote:3fafec1ad6]well Ill soon see!! only another week or two to get the game runnign properly…….

    • #33081

      J2ME is fun to work with!

      Just make little apps every now and then for it and any games I make are the stupidest things ever cos I’ve no art in me! But they’re fun (for me that is)

      Want to get a new phone so I can use the 3D API.

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