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- This topic has 49 replies, 12 voices, and was last updated 12 years, 8 months ago by Anonymous.
26/03/2012 at 9:47 am #8398AnonymousInactive
Hi all:
This started on twitter a few days ago and continued last Friday on the drinks meetup.
The general idea is to make an Irish indie bundle. So far there is interest but we need details.Just by talking to people it seems like PC is the platform to target and I totally agree.
To make this happen we need to know
1) Who is in ( can you please reply here with your interest) and what are your timelines (ie when would you have a PC game ready for distribution)
2) the previous bundles all gave players the choice as to where their money would go. Would you agree with part or all of the money going to charity?
26/03/2012 at 11:51 am #48273AnonymousInactive
Another idea :
include music (soundtracks in the bundle)
26/03/2012 at 4:04 pm #48278AnonymousInactive
Got the domain IrishIndieBundle.com :D
26/03/2012 at 4:47 pm #48279AnonymousInactive
Some of you contacted me privately , thats ok too
you can now mail happy [at] irishindiebundle.com with your comments/suggestions that are a bit sensitive -
26/03/2012 at 7:09 pm #48280AnonymousInactive
I’m in… Will probably need to collab with someone as I’m primarily a Game Designer/ Sound Designer. Have some ideas though for something small and weird so if people want to jump on board with me – let me know at paddybass@gmail.com
The Dev in the Red Hat.
27/03/2012 at 1:25 pm #48285AnonymousInactive
Nice one Paddy
27/03/2012 at 8:57 pm #48286AnonymousInactive
On a separate note, I would totally be down for letting people decide where to send their money. Devs, Charity or whatever! I think that is something that is quite appealing about the HIB.
Rock N Roll,
The Dev in the Red Hat,
Paddy Murphy. -
27/03/2012 at 9:45 pm #48287AnonymousInactive
ok, so there is interest (It seems)
now the thing is how do we select the games? -
28/03/2012 at 9:00 am #48290AnonymousInactive
Would it be best to see how many games get done by everyone before the deadline, for the Irish Indie Bundle and then if we have too many games at that time, we can keep the remainder for a subsequent IIB release?
Did a little bit about this on my new blog:
28/03/2012 at 9:12 am #48291AnonymousInactive
We are interested, it’s just a matter in timing
28/03/2012 at 9:51 am #48292AnonymousInactive
Just to clarify, this is going to be a bundle of new games rather than pre-existing ones?
28/03/2012 at 10:05 am #48295AnonymousInactive
Or can it be both?
I suppose clarification or even a structured outline might be a nice idea to get the ball rolling on this.
Really looking forward to it though :D
28/03/2012 at 11:24 am #48296AnonymousInactive
I’d be up for this, when’s the deadline? Or has it been set?
28/03/2012 at 1:09 pm #48297AnonymousInactive
Trying to refine this, so your feedback is super important. Anything that you definetly want/dont want as part of the structure of the bundle please feel free to add.
At the moment I see it driven by quality.
I’d guess we want to include 4 or 5 really good games in the first bundle.1)So we would have an open submittion process, ie deadline in the not so distant future (does it matter if the game is not released already?, I m thinking it doesnt matter, but would love to hear the feedback)
2)Once that deadline is reached then we need some way to select the games (so far I m thinking we all play all the games and rate them… feedback here also apreacited)
3) profit? (Saw that one coming right :D )Please let post here:
Do you like where this is going?
and if so what are good dates for you if you wanted to include your game, I think ideally at least two to three months ahead ( but please post here if this is just impossible for you.
28/03/2012 at 1:56 pm #48298AnonymousInactive
Definitely up for this, myself and thecosmicboy are in the beginnings of a new games company that will be launched soon called LoPoly Games and are working on our first title at the moment that we would love to get into the bundle.
28/03/2012 at 5:34 pm #48299AnonymousInactive
I’d be up for putting my game Ghost Chase in there :)
29/03/2012 at 8:19 am #48302AnonymousInactive
I don’t think it matters if the game has previously been released or not, but I think it could be a good way to drive innovative titles.
The only issue I have with basing it on quality and peer review is that, like with all gaming critique, peoples opinions can be so wildly diverse. Some people who love one specific genre, may not be into something of another genre, even if it is really good.
It might be best to try and find an independent adjudicator – Maybe someone like Sean Murray from Hello Games or Terry Cavanagh to select the first 5 games? And then like the humble indie bundles maybe 2 or 3 of the runners up could be added to the package in the subsequent months?
Also in terms of deadline – Any ideas? If it is soonish, I better get cracking on Introvert/Nullify asap… Would August be too far off for most people?
Those are my thoughts, but I am really psyched for this and I’m hoping to start development of my title ASAP.
I’m assuming that the only restriction for the game is that it be an executable file for Windows or Mac?
Paddy M.
The Dev in the Red Hat -
29/03/2012 at 10:15 am #48303AnonymousInactive
A little bit about my project for the IIB – Now that I have some ideas running around inside this oversized grapefruit I call a head, I’m going to be doing the development really publicly and will take input from everyone, where possible… The challenge is going to be trying to not leak the entire story while still gleaning input from people following the development of the game… Should be a fun challenge :)
29/03/2012 at 3:41 pm #48304AnonymousInactive
Like this
"It might be best to try and find an independent adjudicator – Maybe someone like Sean Murray from Hello Games or Terry Cavanagh to select the first 5 games? And then like the humble indie bundles maybe 2 or 3 of the runners up could be added to the package in the subsequent months?
"Anyone has any other name suggestions?
Also the multiple bundle idea goes aligns with some Irish Indies that are not PC based
Great Stuff on the public aspect of your game Paddy
I m going to throw some sort of website at this over the weekend
02/04/2012 at 10:22 am #48307AnonymousInactive
Created a survey to easily agregate all this info and make it easier for people to give feedback, http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/SCN2BZ6
05/04/2012 at 1:31 pm #48341AnonymousInactive
More news http://www.indiegamemag.com/irish-indie-bundle-planned/
It would be fantastic if we could come up with a nice logo. Anyone want to volunteer
05/04/2012 at 2:03 pm #48342AnonymousInactive
also created twitter account to keep everyone up to date with your everyday bundle-y news :D @IrishIndieBundl (no e )
10/04/2012 at 9:41 am #48369AnonymousInactive
For those of you interested, we are meeting on the 12th of april in izicaya from 6pm to try to clarify some details on this. If you want to be involved in the organization of the bundle or want to include a game it would be great if you can make it.
11/04/2012 at 1:28 pm #48371Aphra KKeymaster
great. Will try to pop along
16/04/2012 at 10:20 am #48399AnonymousInactive
During the meetup many things were discussed
1) Submission deadline: 24th of August ( you can submit before)
2) Platform: at least the first one PC ( on the wishlist: add steam codes)
3) website: we need one, A really nice suggestion was to allow people to create their own pages were they can add screenshots and videos, and document the game creating process if they are so inclinedAlso we have created a facebook page for it and there is call for creating the bundle logo there: http://www.facebook.com/IrishIndieBundle
16/04/2012 at 11:18 am #48400Aphra KKeymaster
great to see such a good turnout on the night.
one thing missing from your list Andrea was a call for suggestions re. a suitable charity..
or maybe you already have come up with one?
18/04/2012 at 4:30 pm #48414AnonymousInactive
If there’s another Skype conversation happening soon, maybe put this topic on the agenda also?
18/04/2012 at 4:32 pm #48415AnonymousInactive
@jediboy I think it should alright
BTW, website should is live http://www.irishindiebundle.com
Anything missing let us know -
19/04/2012 at 7:43 pm #48418AnonymousInactive
This is all very encouraging I must say. Fair play.
19/04/2012 at 7:44 pm #48419AnonymousInactive
thanks :D
Now, we really need your logos, draw draw like you never have :D
30/04/2012 at 11:05 pm #48449AnonymousInactive
so, we had a bunch of logos submitted. Now you can vote them by liking them on facebook ( I know I know, not perfect because you need to have an account :( ) but please do vote :D
01/05/2012 at 10:25 am #48452AnonymousInactive
Giant, IMO prefix.
Don’t really see a "head-and-shoulders" winner there.
The joysticks are kind of generic and don’t really suggest a link to Ireland and/or Indie games. or a bundle/assemble.
The shamrocks/heart stuff. Same. Infers Ireland, but not necessarily games/indie/bundle.
The pixelated leprechaun…I think is the closest for me.
To recap my thoughts, I think Ireland. Indie. Video Games. Bundle. Are the four components.
Whether that is a multitude of digital leprechauns (working collectively), with control pads, consoles, joypads, releasing their fun out from Ireland to the rest of the world.
Anyway. That’s my 2 cents.
01/05/2012 at 10:34 am #48453AnonymousInactive
Hi Jediboy
Cheers for the cents, two is always a good number :)
This is an open competition, if you want to submit another new option, by all means do. :D, there is still time (if you dont want to do it by facebook put a link here and I ll upload on your behalf )
Also in my eyes, the bundle is something forward looking, leperchauns and shamrocks are representative of ireland but are they really the future? What about hover cars or even better de loreans (they were made in ireland AFAIK)
01/05/2012 at 11:41 am #48454AnonymousInactive
Yeah, leprechauns and shamrocks are a bit twee and probably not the direction to go in. Though that depends whom your target audience are. To certain nations that’s still what Irelands all about, leprechauns, red hair and Guinness. Those and RiverDance. A pixelated 8bit style logo suggests pixelated 8bit retro games too. Though I do like the simple 8bit logos I must admit.
01/05/2012 at 11:59 am #48455AnonymousInactive
That’s what I was getting at. What is the degree of importance/ranking amongst the communication elements:
a. Irish
b. Indie Developer
c. Video Game
d. Bundle / Coop.Also consider who the message is for, what their current knowledge/experience is, etc.
Something futuristic and purely techy might lose the Irish element – but if that is not a high priority – then maybe that’s acceptable. And so on.
02/05/2012 at 1:50 pm #48461Aphra KKeymaster
well yes at least the leprechaun is kind of playful. How about one with a smartphone in its pocket..
the real Irish stuff works around paddy’s day but unless you are launching then I wouldn’t go too heavy on it.
04/05/2012 at 8:29 pm #48476AnonymousInactive
I think you have a perfect opportunity to go tongue in cheek with this one..
I’ve done an example but can’t for the life of me figure out how to insert an image into this reply? -
04/05/2012 at 9:18 pm #48477AnonymousInactive
Put a link ?
04/05/2012 at 9:37 pm #48478AnonymousInactive
So I have an image on my desktop?.. put a link?
04/05/2012 at 9:39 pm #48479AnonymousInactive
yes i.e put it up on flickr or picasa
or somethig like that yes -
04/05/2012 at 9:41 pm #48480AnonymousInactive
Is there no way to insert images into messages then?
04/05/2012 at 10:02 pm #48481AnonymousInactive
I have no idea, but that seems easier, if you want you can just email me
DM me your address and I ll do that right now :D -
04/05/2012 at 10:41 pm #48485AnonymousInactive
Well, I went and did what you said with regards to using a online hosting site… thanks for helping out :) Anyway, for what it’s worth here’s the link.
04/05/2012 at 10:43 pm #48486AnonymousInactive
04/05/2012 at 10:54 pm #48489AnonymousInactive
Cool. So things can be changed around but you get the idea..
05/05/2012 at 8:24 am #48490AnonymousInactive
Really liking the visual pun
05/05/2012 at 11:11 am #48492AnonymousInactive
Yeah, I think something in that direction would help the cause.. Was thinking of doing a coca cola slant with the indie inside replacing he coca cola..
It’s just a way of differentiating from other bundles that might be out there with humor..Anywho, here’s a few more variations of the first one.. if yez want more I don’t mind knocking them up.. in the classical sense of course.. :)
15/05/2012 at 4:20 pm #48533AnonymousInactive
So, we have a new logo… now we need to know who is interested in submitting a game or help in the organization
Please fill this form to let us know about it http://bit.ly/JfYTRc
16/05/2012 at 9:46 am #48534AnonymousInactive
Thought this one was really well done:
Just my 2 cents.
16/05/2012 at 9:53 am #48535AnonymousInactive
Hi jediboy:
yes, liked it too and it’s got a lot of votes, however the rule for the competition was that it ends on that monday at 23:59 and it just seemed wrong to brake it.
By the way if anyone wants to help with the organization please contact me, this would move way faster if we had more hands :DAlso kudos to Alan Grace(of Pixelwolf), he is now doing some work on the website ( ie we ll start adding information about the games)
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