Home Forums #IrishGameDev in the News Manhunt 2 – Rejected Again

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    • #6315


      The BBFC has again rejected Rockstar’s Manhunt 2 despite the developer making cuts to the game after it was initially banned back in June.

      The ESRB in the US has recently granted the game an M rating, clearing it for release in North America, but UK censors have decided that the content is still unsuitable for sale in the region.

      "We recognise that the distributor has made changes to the game, but we do not consider that these go far enough to address our concerns about the original version," offered David Cooke, director of the BBFC.

      "The impact of the revisions on the bleakness and callousness of tone, or the essential nature of the gameplay, is clearly insufficient.

      "There has been a reduction in the visual detail in some of the ‘execution kills’, but in others they retain their original visceral and casually sadistic nature," he said.

      The BBFC said that any attempt to appeal the decision was now in the hands of Rockstar publisher Take 2.[/quote:cb2aa93378]

    • #38791

      It’ll be interesting to see what the Irish rating guys do now, last time they quickly followed suit with the BBFC

    • #38798

      hope they dont do the same thing i wanna play manhunt 2

    • #38801

      Ah for christ sake. It’s not like it’s going to sell a heap of units anyway. Just release it!

    • #38818

      On a totally unrelated issue, Games violence study is launched. Funny that they wheeled David Braben out for it, what an odd choice of developer to get a quote from.

      I doubt it’s going to be as one sided as some of the US led ones so it should be interesting to see what they come up. Not that it actually means a damn thing of course. :roll:

    • #39053

      This may deserve it’s own thread but we’ll see how it goes..

      Eurogamer have posted a rather interesting article on the BBFC in light of the Manhunt 2 banning and the recent rating of David Cronenberg’s newest flick, Eastern Promises as 18s without any cuts.

      Rather interesting alright especially their treatment of the BBFCs possible responses to the situation.


    • #39277

      It’ll be interesting to see what the Irish rating guys do now, last time they quickly followed suit with the BBFC[/quote:418dc78904]
      Does anyone know what the Irish ratings board (IFCO?) did with the game?

      I’ve mixed thoughts about this over the past few months. Lately I’ve been thinking that it wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world to release the game.

    • #39286

      They normally just echo what the BBFC do, partly because of so many english companies set up here it would be harder to merchandise the stores and maybe discourage them from opening more so than if they didn’t just copy the BBFC.

      Thats what I’ve heard anyway

    • #39288

      I don’t care, there are too many good games out there to care about manhunt2

    • #39289

      Yeah, and they’re all on the Wii :)

    • #39290

      Was that a hint of sarcasm there omen? I have yet to play Mario, but apart from that my Wii is currently being used by my fiance to play Zelda: The Wind Waker. Considering I’m somewhat of a Nintendo fanboy, that’s a sad state of affairs :'(

    • #39292

      Metroid and Galaxy, what more do you want?
      Plus Zelda on the DS…I’m a happy bunny.

    • #39300

      Metroid and Galaxy, what more do you want?

      More than 2 good games? (3 if you count Zelda). I haven’t player Metroid, but mainly because Metroid Prime really got on my nerves with its constant back tracking

    • #39303

      Well, Mario Kart, Brawl and something else that slips my mind are all out soonish too. Oh and I’m also playing Paper Mario
      2 games at once is more than enough for me. I don’t have as much time as I’ld like to have to play these days.

    • #39307

      I agree, the only worrying thing is that all the "good" games you’ve mentioned are Nintendo first-party games, and most of them are Mario games :P At least the little Italian fellow is still going strong regardless of his age

    • #39309

      Metroid and Galaxy, what more do you want?

      More than 2 good games? (3 if you count Zelda). I haven’t player Metroid, but mainly because Metroid Prime really got on my nerves with its constant back tracking[/quote:86d07b31bc]

      I traded in 5 shit games my brother had got for the Wii and got both Mario Galaxy and Metroid.

      Mario is very good but Metroid I do not like.

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