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    • #8464
      Aphra K

      I don’t think I have ever posted this many jobs in one go and for such a variety of positions but there you go, good news all around. We have just posted eight positions at various levels from senior to junior in programming and art on gd.ie. See http://www.gamedevelopers.ie/jobs/

      The company hiring is Digit, a new comer on the scene which is backed by venture capital but with four veterans from the industry in charge.

      For more on their backgrounds you can see their profiles on Linked in via http://digitgaming.com/about-us/

      We have asked for more info and been assured that in about a month we will have it! Looking forward to hearing more..

      For now pass on the word re the jobs…


    • #48585

      Great stuff. And a development studio doing new IP by the looks of things. Exciting.

    • #48586
      Aphra K

      Yes this looks a bit like a phoenix rising from the ashes…of Jolt…?


    • #48587

      Firstly thanks Aphra for listing our roles, I really appreciate it. We’ll of course make sure you get the main news and story as soon as we are ready to tell the world – not long now.

      I’ve never looked at it like the phoenix from the ashes of Jolt because Digit is completely new. Of course though there are a few of us that met at Jolt. So I can see the link.

      I think more will become clear when our news breaks soon. It’s getting very exciting for us now!


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