NEXUS, The DCU School of Communications multimedia exhibition 2003 will take place in the Gallery in the Helix, DCU from 4pm on Thursday, 6th November, and remain open on Friday, 7th November and Saturday 8th November from 12 noon to 11pm, each day.

The exhibition will showcase multimedia productions from the
2003 masters in multimedia group, as well as projects undertaken by the
first graduates of the undergraduate multimedia programme, and a project from last year’s Masters exhibition which has been short listed for the EuroPrix award.

The 2003 exhibition is sponsored by Apple Computer, Eurotek, JVC and the School of Communications.

More information on the projects is available at http://www.multimedia.dcu.ie

Car parking is available close to the university entrance on Collins
Avenue. Directions to the Helix are clearly signposted in the car park.
The Gallery is on the second floor of the Helix.