Location: HADCom Department, National College of Art and Design, 100 Thomas Street, Dublin [exact room to be announced].
Date: 5.30pm, March 11, 2004
Event: Shane Whelan, lecturer in Ballyfermot but also a Master’s student in NCAD, will be giving a lecture entitled ‘Play As communication.’ The lecture will explore game design and it’s potential as a mode of communication based on his MA research. Broad themes of game, story, intelligence , play and learning will be defined and discussed in this design context. How these concepts blend together and can be moulded by a designer to express ideas with meaning will be explored. Also, the ways in which games are unique as a storytelling medium and how they relate to our intelligence on a multi-sensory level. Debate will be encouraged.
This event may particularly interest people entering the Dare to be Digital competition.
Shane requests RSVP to get numbers attending through our discussion forum at: community/forums/showthread.php?s=de28a9fffd9b206ecc2195e18bbfbe85&threadid=253community/forums/
Keep posted here for more details about the lecture as well as the exact location.