You can submit a wide array of information to be published on Our community thrives on up to date information, so get yours in to us today! There is a small volunteer team who manage the site, but we need as many writers as we want! Do you have a new game? Have you been at an event that was cool? Did you solve a particularly interesting problem you want to share with the community, or showcase your portfolio of art, games or anything else in your video games career? Have you a job or project that needs extra help.
Please read the following and email in your news!
Editorial Guidelines
Please write a minimum of 500 words. If it does not seem to send that is probably the issue!
In this please introduce yourself/team, where in Ireland you are from, and a little about your studio. Then give some information about your game, what genre it is, how long it’s been in production, what platform’s it’s on, and when it’s out.
If your game is available to buy or download, please include links to the various app stores, steam, or your website. You aren’t restricted to one post about your game, if you want to talk about a few things over a series of submissions, that’s great, and we can interlink them to tell a story.
If you have a job on offer please include skills, responsibilities, contract duration, pay and contact information. Please so let us know when the position is filled also.
While you can include an image below, if you wish to include an image for consideration for our homepage slider, then please ensure it is 950 x 350 px.
Email news [at] gamedevelopers [dot] ie if you have any problems.