Deadlines for entry
If you haven’t done so already please ensure your college or university has registered for the XNA Ireland Challenge 2008 by Monday 4th February. This years event honours the 30th Anniversary of SPACE INVADERS (c) Taito Corporation. Visiting games studio judges will be scouting for students interested in work placement positions.
To register for the XNA Ireland Challenge 2008 send an email to with a stipulation in the subject line; “[institution name] would like to register for XNA Ireland Challenge 2008”
Please see!F98783C054F60D82!142.entry
for details OR
Registration for Robocode will also close on Monday 4th February. To register for Robocode Ireland 2008 send an email to with a stipulation in
the subject line; “[institution name] would like to register for Robocode Ireland 2008”
Please see