Title: The Second Annual International Workshop in Computer Game Design and Technology

Event: A two-day event of lectures, tutorials and exhibitions on Computer Games Research and Development

Date: 15 – 16 November 2004

Venue : Liverpool Moat House Hotel, Liverpool John Moores University

Keynote speakers:
Jesse Schell -IGDA Chairman -Professor of Computer Entertainment at Carnegie Mellon University
Newton Lee–Senior Producer -Disney Online –Founder and Editor-in-Chief of ACM Computer in Entertainment
Ernest Adams -IGDA co-founder -Game Design Consultant
Chris Bateman -International Hobo -Game Design Consultant
Jeremy Chatelaine -Argonaut Games
Jason Chown -SCEE Liverpool
Dino Dini -CEO Abundant Software
Sarah Ewen -SCEE London
Andrew Oliver -CTO and Co-founder of Blitz Games
Dr. David Sharp -Atomic Planet Entertainment
Matt Southern-Evolution Studios
Marc Wilding-Acclaim Studio Liverpool

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