The inaugural meeting of the Irish Chapter of the IGDA took place on January 8 at the Learning Studio, the Digital Hub. A larger-than-anticipated crowd turned out for the event, which had a keynote presentation from Ernest Adams, the founder member of the IGDA and ex-Gamasutra game design consultant. Also speaking was Dr. Stephen Brennan (Director of Marketing and Strategy at the Digital Hub Development Agency) and Tony Kelly (Intel and IGDA co-ordinator). The meeting was chaired by Aphra Kerr from the Centre for Science, Technology and Media, DCU and our own

To view a separate thread on the forums about Ernest’s presentation, click community/forums/forumdisplay.php?s=&forumid=13here.

The launch of the Irish Chapter of the IGDA was supported by the Digital Hub in conjunction with Diageo Ireland through the Liberties Learning Initiative and Enterprise Ireland.