Home Forums Education, Training and Jobs 1 Programmer Wanted

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    • #3163

      We need one programmer in C/C++ with direct X / Opel knowledge to join an exciting new team in creating a FTP / GTA style game for PC. To learn alot more just msg me, as well detail your skills, experience, examples. Living in Dublin will help.

    • #11967

      I live in Dublin and have more than enough skills to program any game you want. I can send samples on request.

      Just curious, how much is being offered?

    • #11968

      I live in Dublin and have more than enough skills to program any game you want.


      Wow, thats confidence :)

    • #11982

      Yup and with reason.

    • #11986

      What I liked was the modesty… :)


    • #11993

      Ahhh modesty, a word I once knew.

      Well if its a commercial job I guess there is no point playing dumb, I have 3 years experience as a project leader for commercial products. Including Information Systems, AI Agent Systems, including a system that would determine relevant study content for courses based on the notes compiled by a student, given a syllabus and some references.

      My main area of interest is in 3D graphics, I have developed some small image manipulation applications. My main area is DirectX 7/8/9 which I am confident in my abilities. Although I also have a strong hand at AI and game logic.

      I have worked on two fulltime games with backing from publishers but due to mis-management, things went south. Never the less it was experience and valuable one at that.

      I recently had my personal game project picked up by a small independant publisher, which is exciting. Also frustrating seeing publishers rip your pride and joy of all its key elements to appeal to the mass markets, but it is after all an exercise in marketing.

      So thats my experience short listed.Clearly there are some jobs I avoid talking about, as we have all had them.

      If this is a commercial project I believe I could bring my experience and knowledge, if its an independant game, get in touch and if I like it I will see what I can do for you.


    • #11994

      There are 2 commercial products involved, one commercial, the other has got to get commercial status yet, we are also working to complete a 3D game engine around our graphical 3D engine.
      Just reply to my GD.ie private messages in your user options to find out more James.

    • #11995

      Ronan can you send me an email

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