Home Forums Education, Training and Jobs 3D Modelling / Game Training Toolkit for courses released

  • This topic has 0 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 19 years ago by Anonymous.
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    • #4441

      Hi there,

      CanDo have just released version 1 of their training application.

      A number of colleges are using this toolkit, including University of Ulster, Jordanstown, Magee, Belfast Institute, NWIFHE, and a number of others overseas ( including Abertay ).

      It allows students to create interactive environments at the same time as learning how to create 3D models and texture / animate them. The easy of use, and speed of the export ( a matter of seconds ) ensures that the students interest is kept.


      We support a wide range of 3D applications right out of the box, including…

      * 3DS Max
      * Maya
      * Lightwave
      * TrueSpace ( using the Conversion Pak ) or GameSpace
      * Cinema 4D
      * Cararra
      * formZ
      * Electric Image Animation System
      * 3D Canvas Pro
      * SoftImage XSI or Blender ( these use an offline XSI to W3D converter )

      The evaluation can be downloaded completely for free at…

      If you know any lecturers who are teaching 3D modelling ( either game related or otherwise ), please feel free to send them this info and link.

      Many thanks…

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