Home Forums General Discussion Skills Directory Question + Idea

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    • #3508

      Hi, I am wondering if there was anyway of a person manually changing his or her entry in teh skills directory. I think I mailed someone about it ages ago, got a reply, forgot about it and can’t find it again. it’s a little out of date and would like it to reflect more accurately what I’m doing at the moment.

      An offshoot of an idea for this – have you considered perhaps setting up personal webspaces for registered members of gamedevelopers.ie so anyone who wants to easily make an online portfolio can do so from here – thus centralising the talent and increasing the sense of community?
      for instance, mine might be http://www.gamedevelopers.ie/~amaccann
      and so on

    • #15017

      A plan is in place and work is being done on an updated version of gd.ie with much of the functionality that has been mentioned in the feedback section of late. This includes the extending the forum login to allow people to update more of their details, including those in the skills directory.

      At the moment there is no time frame for when the new site will be ready to live however.


    • #15020
      Aphra K

      I would point out that most of this redesign work is bing done voluntarily and the same people are involved somewhat in Awakenings so bear with us and those issues will be addressed..

      It is fairly cumbersome from this side too having to manually cut and paste in skills etc..so we are keen to move to a new way of doing things..


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