Home Forums #IrishGameDev in the News Add gamedevelopers meetups to a magazine

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    • #8255

      Hi there:

      A friend of mine, Martha, sent me this. I thought it might be of interest
      I have her email address ( didnt want to add it here for spam reasons)


      I am getting ready to launch a digital-only, Irish-focused tech magazine for developers, designers & startups in December. I would like to have free listings of any user groups & community groups to help publicize your group & grow your community.

      If you’d like to be included, all I need is a high res graphic logo and a small blurb about what you do & when you meet up. As an example, this is Python Ireland’s:

      Python Ireland was established in early 2005 in Dublin. We hold pub/social meetups, talks, various events (recent ones such as UnConferences, multi-usergroup pub quiz) and PyCon Ireland. Other chapters include Cork and Galway. See http://python.ie for more details.

      Please let me know if it’s something you’d be interested in. There will never be a fee for the groups listing service, it’s just something I feel strongly Ireland needs! If you have any other questions or need more info or have an upcoming event you’d like listed in our calendar (the magazine launches dec 8th, so anything after that date would work), just let me know.

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