Home › Forums › General Discussion › And you think Ireland is expensive to buy property! This topic has 6 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 20 years ago by Anonymous. Viewing 6 reply threads Author Posts 22/02/2005 at 6:54 pm #3814 AnonymousInactive http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/4104731.stm Mal 23/02/2005 at 9:48 am #17940 AnonymousInactive Last Updated: Friday, 17 December, 2004, 13:06 GMT [/quote:68bcfe81c3] Bit late with that one weren’t you?? 23/02/2005 at 9:51 am #17942 AnonymousInactive heheh……yeah, I remember reading this ages ago. Interesting story none the less though…. 23/02/2005 at 12:37 pm #17969 AnonymousInactive > Bit late with that one weren’t you?? I’ve got a VERY slow internet connection here ;) Mal 23/02/2005 at 12:46 pm #17971 AnonymousInactive Mal’s on eircom breath in band 23/02/2005 at 1:41 pm #17974 AnonymousInactive I’ve got a VERY slow internet connection here [/quote:f416867f80] Are you getting messangers on horseback to deliver your internet news or what? 23/02/2005 at 5:24 pm #17988 AnonymousInactive My BT carrier pigeon has a bad wing, and has to walk most of the way. Author Posts Viewing 6 reply threads The forum ‘General Discussion’ is closed to new topics and replies.