Home Forums General Discussion Another World has been rereleased, available for download

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    • #5252

      Another World creator Eric Chahi has got the rights back to his game and has rereleased it for the PC. A demo can be downloaded that can be unlocked for 7 Euro. It also features optional enhanced graphics and higher resolution. What’s more, it looks like Eric is returning to video games and is already working on a new one.
      Anyway, the site is here: http://www.anotherworld.fr/anotherworld_uk/index.htm and original site here: http://www.anotherworld.fr/
      There’s also an interview with Eric but it’s in French here: http://www.factornews.com/news-16759-Reedition_d_Another_World_l_Eric_Chahi_n.html

      Anyway, this is a classic game, I loved it, and it’s great to see it’s being made available again along with a great person returning to the world of video games.

    • #31006

      Lets hope his new one doesn’t take 5 years, like Heart of Darkness did.

    • #31008

      You can buy it :) It’s a friend of BitRabbit (the same who ported it to mobile) who is behind it … So you buy it safely ;) It’s only 7 euros :)

    • #31009

      thats great news!!

    • #31011

      i cant wait!! i loved another world ” my pooba” haha i always remember that

    • #31013

      metafox in the dreamcast scene, has been in contact with Eric Chahi. He aloud the gp32 and dreamcast ports to be made, if they are closed source and if the delphine software/interplay logos were removed.

      He also is let these versions have the actual game datafiles included with the binary!

      (usally for ports we can only include the shareware version, and instructions on how to put the full data files in yourself, but thats a real pain in da ass, and its hard for the noobs)

      nice guy

    • #31014

      Hey yeah, I think I met the guy at a gamedevelopers.ie meeting while he was porting the mobile version (or at least someone he knew, I saw the intro running on the phone. It was my first time really hearing about the game [aside from some barely rememberd clips on a video game TV program, which mightn’t have even been it]). I was going to mention something about this in my post but let it slip.

    • #31015

      well if you have played flash back, then you will know how the game is like.

      actually there was a sequal on the sega CD, called Heart of the Alien (thats also been ported to the DC), but I don’t think he had much of hand in it

    • #31016

      I dont think I got very far in Another World, it was hard.

      The ICO of its day (not that Ico is hard thou) :)

    • #31018

      Dito with Flashback, that game was tough. :?

    • #31019

      Hard games make Ivan cry, I’ve got average game playing skills, so I hate coming across really tough bits in games.

      I try many, many times to do something and fail, so I end up never playing the game again. I’d prefer if, say after maybe 10 or 15 attempts the game would auto balance to my skill level (I’m looking at you Metroid fecking Prime).

      After the hard part\boss the game could return to its normal difficultly level.

    • #31022

      You’d actually stop playing a game? :shock:

      I can safely say I’ve never not completed any game I’ve bought. Even if a part is really really hard I’ve always believed in the old adage of “If at first you don’t suceed then try, try again” …then if you still can’t do it hit tilde to bring down the console and type ‘god on'” and do it! :D

    • #31027

      There are loads of games I have not completed.

      The last game I played to completion was Paper Mario 2.

    • #31029

      Damn you Meta Ridley!! Failed to finish both Metriods :(

      On the plus side, I recently finished Halo :) ( Thought I should seeing as I bought Halo 2 )

    • #31045

      I remember quite a few games where I was stuck and had to try the same sequence again and again, and again, and then some more…
      I stopped counting the number of times this happened. I think the last game to do that to me was Call of Duty (I always play them in hard or hardest from the start). To be fair I enjoy it, because I always end up overcoming whatever bottleneck I get stuck in…

      That’s pretty cool to see a remake of an old game. There are so many others that I wish got the same treatment!

      BTW, did Heart of Darkness ever get released after all? I remember fondly looking at a video of the gameplay and dreaming to be playing it on my PC, to no avail :(

    • #31047

      Yes. Heart of Darkness did get released, I think it got 5/10 in EDGE many, many moons ago.

    • #31062

      Wasn’t that the extremely hard and equally dodgy 2d Side scrolling game? With the little kid in the blue shorts and a ray gun with a big shadow behind him on the box? :shock:

    • #31064

      Wasn’t Fade To Black a sequel of sorts to Flashback and Another World?

    • #31066

      yeah Fade to Black was the sequal to flashback… but it was not as good as flashback (it was in 3d)

    • #31075

      i found Heart of darkness quite fun. it brought back merories of another world maybe thats why i took a shine to it but i thought the gameplay was quite good and had nice visuals. id like to play it again to see if it stood the test of time!!! :wink:

    • #31081

      Just a small precision…

      Flashback was not a sequel from Another World. It wasn’t developed by Eric neither. Behind Flashback was the excellent programmer Paul Cuisset, famous for lots of games at “Ocean France” amongst others. He also makes a comeback with a new studio he created, working on a racing game.

      Funnily enough, I have friends (in France of course ;) who reversed the original code and ported it to mobile phones :) Unfortunately, it can’t be spread since the rights on this game are still hold by its owner :(

    • #31179

      On the subject of not completing games…


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