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    • #5543

      Falling Whilst Calling For Liberty In Arms: Finest Brotherhood

      Jesus H Christ.

      New IP – check
      WW2 IP – check
      Alternate History – check


    • #33283

      Because the Nazis were defeated not by the USA entering the war and some idiotic decisions regarding the eastern front, but because Winston Churchill survived a car accident…..

    • #33285

      Game designers should not be allowed to read sci-fi (Please don’t take this line seriously!).

      Anyone ever read a book called “Man in the High Castle”? Hell there even was a star trek episode that touched on this idea.

    • #33286

      Actually as concepts go I think it is excellent. Red Alert was based on the premise that Hitler was eliminated before he rose to power and, without the German war machine to grind down the Russians they rolled over everything (which is certainly a plausable alternative history).

      Many senior figures in the British government wanted to appease Hitler. Churchill was pretty much a lone (if loud) voice and we probably would not have gone to war when we did if not for him. He also played a major part in keeping us going and in getting the Americans to join the war when they did. If the UK had not entered the war Germany would not have needed to waste troops & resources on the Atlantic wall and as a result might well have beaten Russia. Had we entered the war without Churchill we might not have got the covert support we did from the US and we would have been defeated/surrendered.

      It’s a well documented fact that US infantry soldiers and armour were pitiful when compared to their German counterparts and often failed to win encounters despite a more than 2:1 advantage. With Russia and Europe defeated (and Japan as an ally) Germany would have been able to stage an invasion of the US and would almost certainly have won.

      The early death of Churchill wouldn’t have stopped the UK or US from entering the war but it would almost certainly have delayed both events and that would have allowed Hitler to focus his efforts rather than splitting them.

    • #33287

      sounds interesting, if it keeps a good story line throughout i might be good. Lets hope they dont just introduce the idea and cue standard call of duty game play.. If done correctly i reckon it might be a good idea. Remains to be sen though.

    • #33289

      Meh I sticking to my guns…don’t need another WW2 game.

      They could have waited the could have gotten the rights to the inevitable High Castle movie or Fatherland

      Then it would have the double whammy; license and WW2 – success GUARANTEED*

      *not a guarantee

    • #33291

      Churchill was pretty much a lone (if loud) voice and we probably would not have gone to war when we did if not for him. He also played a major part in keeping us going and in getting the Americans to join the war when they did[/quote:ce00fd82b9]

      I doubt there would not have been a drastic differance in the timing of Britains declaration of war if Churchill wasn’t around
      The Germans lost the eastern front, not because of a lack of troops due to splitting the army east and west, but because they fought during the Russian winter without the right equipment. If they had double the men, they would just have had double the amount of starving, frostbitten, de-moralised troops.

      The US were providing military aid to the UK at the beginning of the war, not only because of Churchills diplomacy, but because they just wanted Germany defeated. It was Japans attack on Pearl Harbor that tipped the US over the edge and into armed conflict with the Germans and their Japanese allies.

      I think basing this games drastic change of history on the life or death of one, albeit important, man is a bit stupid and far fetched. Still it might be a good game!

    • #33294

      We could go round in circles on this point, but personally I believe that the Germans lost the Eastern front because Mussolini screwed up the Greek campaign.

      Hitler had to delay the invasion of Russia by a few months while he closed up the hole in his flank. Then he had to weigh up attacking at the wrong tie of year, or waiting until the following year (and facing a better prepared Russia).

      As for this Churchill thing, it depends on when that car crash was. He didn’t just pop put of a box to replace Chamberlain, he was doing other things. What knock on effect would his absence fro other events have had?

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