Takeshi no Chousenjou (Takeshi’s Challenge) is a Japanese video game for the Nintendo Famicom (NES) by comedian turned film director and one time game designer Takeshi ‘Beat’ Kitano released in time for Christmas in 1986. The game is an experimental title attempting to break as many video game rules as possible.[/quote:3b187e1cbb]
The game is infamously known for its opening screen blatantly stating “This game is made by a man who hates videogames” and goes about setting the user near impossible tasks to complete. Some examples include utilizing the Nintendo Famicom Controller II that has a built in microphone forcing the player to sing karaoke continuously for one hour while leaving the controller untouched and hitting the final boss 20,000 times to defeat them.[/quote:657fd8ad3b]That. Is. Class. :D
He is probably the greatest Japanese person to have ever lived![/quote:0e88131477]
Greatest Japanese? Have you seen Zatoichi? Greatest famous person ever (I can’t speak for non-famous people since I dont know them, but the evidence is against them).
Zatoichi is great, but not his best.[/quote:56f0c6e827]
Not his best, no, but I just thought it reflected the story of the game quite well, especially the scene where they paint eyes on him, and the retarded samurai…taking the piss out of a revered tradition while at the same time celebrating and providing a top-class example thereof.
Hehe…retarded samurai :D
I think I’m going to hell.