Home Forums Education, Training and Jobs Best of Luck Dare to be Digital 2006

  • This topic has 33 replies, 19 voices, and was last updated 18 years ago by Anonymous.
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    • #5393

      Best of luck to both the Northern Ireland and Republic of Ireland teams who flew over to Abertay early this morning.

      The Northern Ireland team is: Rule of Thumb and the team from the Republic is: Enduring Fragments

    • #32204

      good luck to the teams. tell fraiser and the rest of the team i say howdy :D

    • #32205
    • #32211

      Thanks! I’m part of Enduring Fragments. We’re all really tired at this stage, been up well over 12 hours myself. Long first day. The work starts tomorrow for real. You can visit our official site, which will be running smoothly soon enough for progress on the game. Later

    • #32216

      Good luck lads

    • #32217

      Best of luck lads. Am sure you”ll do well

    • #32220

      If you want to ever have a drink with the lads from Cohort, just go to the speedwell on perth road. Infact they are there now.


    • #32222

      Good luck and have a great time!

    • #32224

      Day one…well for for most of us it started on sunday at some point, running around trying to get the last bits of packing done. Our flight was scheduled for 0630 on monday morning, and with check in and travel to the airport to be accounted for, that meant no sleep. As you’re resing this I have had 1 nights sleep, but by the time I got to bed yesterday I had been up 42 hours.

      Flight was fine, we were met straight of the plane by our coach driver and delivered to abertay. Various bits and pieces had to be sorted out then. The accomodation is great. Central, clean, and with good showers!!

      We finally met YuanYo, our international scholar, is joined up here now as Darkcloud so every one say hi. He’s taken the name “Leo” to make things easy for us. We presented him with a Ireland t-shirt the same as ours so everyone knows the Irish team at a glance!

      The rest of the day was induction and team building. Nice simple lunch, and a 45 person drumming session to break the ice. Brian couldn’t resist the urge of being around so many drums, and during a break he did an impressive solo piece on a number of the drums (to much applause).

      The labs are great, if a little hot at times, there’s a lot of software still to be installed before we can be at this full steam but thats ok, there’s a lot of smaller things we can be sorting out at this time instead.

      Anyway day 2 had just begun, talk to you later…

    • #32227

      Great to hear its started on a high note John!

      Anyway, best of luck to you and the rest of your team! :D

    • #32228

      Great update Nifty!

    • #32230

      good look biys!

    • #32234
      Aphra K

      if you’ve go the t-shirts you are off to a good start..ask Demonware!

      best of luck and welcome to Leo..


    • #32235

      We dazzled them all with our lovely bright green t-shirts. Step one is now comlete.

    • #32242

      We’re offering to install Unreal on all the machines so that people can take a look at the engine.

      No we’re not trying to distract them from their work, no we’re not. Honest. I have no further comments to make at this time……(Brian follow that troublemaker and shoot him)

      In other news we just got Max 8 on all our artist’s machines, and a quick new features seminar with autodesk. :D Bronx reckons our animation timetable just got seriously reduced

    • #32244

      Good Luck Lads!

      Oz make sure you keep that slacker Aaron on his toes :)

    • #32251

      Dont worry, ive got him well in line.
      *Takes out the encouragement whip*


    • #32253

      anyone ever notice that the encouragement whip seems alot like the reward whip, which itself seems very similar to the punishment whip?

      no fair…

    • #32255

      Day 3 in the Dare to be Digital House…

      Yesterday Big brother gave admin access to all the team leads, since then John has been running from machine to machine to enable people to do the most basic of tasks.

      Cian & Leo spent the day setting up a development environment through MS Visual Studio C++ 2003, but big brother had a surprise in store. Only the team leaders have write access to the program files folder, and Unreal Tournament 2004 has protected all its files.

      Despite installing Max 8 before lunch time, no one has permission to use it, except of course the team leaders, who by now are all considering changing their passwords to “install”.

      15:00 The housmates are revolting, theiy’re also quite upset. Photoshop still has not appeared on any of their machines. John is dispatched to find the IT support staff as BB has supplied only an internal phone number, but no phone. But once again BB has introduced a twist…. the building the IT support office is in has modular office space, and the techies have decided to move their office, literally, to another part of the building, without updating the signposts.

      Day 2 eventually comes to an end with some small progress, Cian & Leo are happy with their development environment, photoshop has finally been installed, and things look good for day 3…..

      Day 3…Max is working :) Brian & John take a quick trip to a local graveyard with Fraser the art mentor to learn how best to take environment reference pictures. Its not even lunch yet and Aaron looks likely to have the main character model close to finished by the end of day 4. Hardware power supplies are being tested as we speak to ensure they don’t blow any fuses. Scriptwriting mentor is due in a couple of hours.

      Right enough of this tom foolery, back to work

    • #32256

      I am workin, ur the one off to lunch. *sigh*

      Finally learning how to make things low poly, really not used to this. I prefer to kill my computer with millions upon millions of polys.

      Here goes nothin.

    • #32262

      nice swishing, very impressive, almost as impressive as your ability to quote “no0b” one liners at will which we have put up with 24 hours a day since monday he he. Ah Well its near the end of day 3 for most of us, I have the main NPC Charles remmington nearly completely modelled (Draft 1 anyway :D ) All thats left for the modelling is to tie in the hidden verts so I can divide the model into head torso and legs with the defining verts all occupying the same space. Really enjoying my first day with max8, as Xero said were more PC killers than optimisation freaks, but we’re taking on board all the advice were getting and hitting it with our best. I’ll post some renders/wf’s in the morning, 1 sandwich and a bottle of lucozade just dont cut it since 8 this morning…. 12.5p noodles here I come

    • #32266

      anyone ever notice that the encouragement whip seems alot like the reward whip, which itself seems very similar to the punishment whip?

      no fair…[/quote:dc466f7a40]
      Who are you, Peter Molyneux or something? :D

    • #32277

      Can’t talk…stuff falling into place must keep working……getting filmed today (grrrr dammit)…here’s some press about the competition, thank god the really really bad pic of me in the paper didn’t make it to the net :)


    • #32282

      finally got part one of the first programmiong task done.

      feeling much more comfortable with Unrealscript today.
      things will all go well from now on.

    • #32314

      This week has been and will continue to be stressful. We’ve had a lot of time taken up with meetings. Monday was EA (Richard Leinfellner) and yesterday and today we have Rare. Also today all the international teams & scholars have a meeting with the Lord Provost of Scotland (or something like that he’s elected by the people’s of Aberdeen, Dundee, Edinburgh and Glasgow) which will take up more time. Tomorrow we have meetings with Denki, I think we get a free run at our workload on friday.

      All that being said things are moving apace, optimisitic estimates put us at our first build this evening, realistic friday afternoon, at worst we work through the weekend to have some functionality by monday morning. Artists are still producing high quality work at a high pace and the programmers are performing their day to day miracles.

      Audio is on hold until our audio station is installed, its my only real woryy at this stage. Problems on the horizon are a sketchy plan which will leave us in murky waters for the next 4 weeks if not addressed. And thats what I’ll be at today.

    • #32510

      Week 4 finished, week 5 beginning:

      Well I guess no news is good news…

      We’ve had our noses to the grindstone for the past 3 weeks. But all is good, we have our first build!

      The environments are beautiful, and the characters are all we hoped for. The animations are ticking over as we speak, so there’s little movement in the build as we speak.

      As for core features the programming boys have been moving at a phenomenal rate. So fast in fact that I’ve had to take time to schedule in some elements from the wish list.

      We’ve been waiting for the bubble to burst and it almost did last weekend. There was a college wide power outage. We had some file loss and a monitor blew out but all is good. There are plenty of monitors about the place and we’ve putting everything, not just the code, through source control software. So 1 monitor and a double click later and we were back in business.

      We got some seriously good feedback from Ricki Martin of EA about our quality of art, and there’s a consistently high level of interest in our concept by everyone who visits.

      All in all, working hard, smart and well. Progress is excellent, and I hope to have some screenshots for you all before the end of week 6.

    • #32511

      As for core features the programming boys have been moving at a phenomenal rate. So fast in fact that I’ve had to take time to schedule in some elements from the wish list.[/quote:d552d1fbb2]

      A nice suitation to be in :D

      Looking forward to seeing some screenshot when ye have them

    • #32512

      We got some seriously good feedback from Ricki Martin of EA ….[/quote:f0490b1c14]

    • #32513

      Keep up the great work lads. Sounds like you are really making progress!

    • #32518

      Sounds good. Looking forward to the screenies.

    • #32562

      New diary entry at http://www.daretobedigital.com/diary/teamdiarybreakdown.php?intTeamNumber=136

      environment screen shot attached, more to come in the near future. Thats in the unreal 2.5 engine.

    • #32565

      New diary entry at http://www.daretobedigital.com/diary/teamdiarybreakdown.php?intTeamNumber=136

      environment screen shot attached, more to come in the near future. Thats in the unreal 2.5 engine.[/quote:420a544ba7]seems to be coming along very nicely, John. That screenie looks as atmospheric as you were aiming for – great job. Looking forward to seeing the finished game when I’m over in August.

      Sounds like you guys are cracking on at quite a pace too from your diary entries. Fair play

    • #32566

      I was hoping to sneak a visit in this year, but I don’t think its going to be feasible now :(
      Good luck with it. Can’t believe you’re going into bug testing already!

    • #32809

      check out the creative content forum for screenshots of some of our characters

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