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    • #7449

      Hey guys,
      I was wondering about this and i would like some of your thoughts on it.If say i was designing a game like a Source powered game where when the compilation process compiles all the code into two separate dll’s a Client and server side one
      if a previous game like TF2 or CSS had a particular feature that you wanted in your game is it legal or even possible to decompile that code and examine it and if so can anyone recommend an all round good decompiler

    • #44674

      Hey guys,
      I was wondering about this and i would like some of your thoughts on it.If say i was designing a game like a Source powered game where when the compilation process compiles all the code into two separate dll’s a Client and server side one
      if a previous game like TF2 or CSS had a particular feature that you wanted in your game is it legal or even possible to decompile that code and examine it and if so can anyone recommend an all round good decompiler

      No, it’s not legal. Pretty much all license agreements forbid you from this (or indeed any) form of reverse engineering. Not that anyone ever reads them… :P

      Not only that, even if you do decompile the code you’re going to have a EXTREMELY hard time understanding it; that’s the understatement of the century.

      Here’s some disassembly from a Quake II binary I built (this is legal BTW because QII is now open source and I built the .exe myself):

      cmp dword ptr [48F54Ch],0
      je loc_0042D9C5
      mov eax,[48F544h]
      mov esi,[48F540h]
      cmp eax,esi
      jz loc_0042D939
      mov ecx,[4D257Ch]
      mov edi,edi
      mov edx,eax
      and edx,3Fh
      shl edx,5
      test byte ptr [edx+ecx+10h],1
      jz loc_0042D953
      inc eax

      There are hundreds of thousands of lines just like this in the full disassembly. Still fancy trying it? :wink:


      Save your sanity and look into modding a game with an existing framework provided, or one that has been open-sourced.

    • #44676

      lol i just puked
      i suppose i should just use what im given in the SDK to make my own stuff
      cheers darragh

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