Home Forums General Discussion Defend your PS3 in a non fanboy way

  • This topic has 19 replies, 9 voices, and was last updated 17 years ago by Anonymous.
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    • #6075

      Kid in Florida impales burglar with a samurai sword to stop him stealing his ps3!. Could happen in a few places in Ireland I know but seems like this is all perfectly fine in Florida.

    • #37315

      Could happen in a few places in Ireland [/quote:38416d008e]

      read: Limerick City

    • #37335

      To avoid starting another thread on the PS3 I’ll lob this in here. Seems Ubi Soft have confirmed that Haze will be coming to the PC and XBox360 after all. Now is it just me or is the PS3’s lineup of eagerly awaited titles beginning to dwindle? At this stage this year they’re left with Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns Of The Patriots, Killzone, Tekken 6 and Heavenly Sword with Gran Turismo 5 coming next year. While they’re all big titles it still seems that Sony are now being hit hard where they have traditionally been strongest, their software. Of course there will be some new IP coming along with the usual big selling sequels but for those gamers who typically shy away from such titles are the reasons for getting a PS3 becoming even more insignificant?


    • #37337

      At this stage this year they’re left with Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns Of The Patriots, Killzone[/quote:9b7246637d]

      I would love ports of these and FFXIII on the XBOX to prevent me buying another next gen console :D Killzone is very unlikely to get a port though.

    • #37353

      LittleBigPlanet is coming out for PS3. Looks like that’s goona be good. Its a PS3 exclusive as well so that should help Sony out.

      Here’s a link if you’re unsure of what I’m talking about. Its a co-op physics platformer made by the guys behind Rag Doll Kung Foo on Steam.

    • #37410

      I think people should stop bad mouthing ps3 it will pick up and when the next xbox is out its gona be in trouble thinking of the price

    • #37411
    • #37414

      i think the up coming software will make the ps3 sell alright, But on the 360 side what is after halo3?

    • #37421

      Sticking with the X360 exclusive releases you’d have…

      Tenchu Z, Alan Wake, BioShock, Too Human, Huxley, Mass Effect, Halo 3, Blue Dragon, Grand Theft Auto IV (DLC exclusive), Fable 2, Project Gotham Racing 4 and Just Cause 2.

      In terms of multiformat games you sill have…

      The Darkness, Medal Of Honor: Airborne, Stranglehold, Blacksite: Area 51, Mercenaries 2, Unreal Tournament 3, Sega Rally, Alone In The Dark, Virtua Fighter 5, Half-Life 2, PES 2008, Dark Sector, Call Of Duty 4, Need For Speed: ProStreet, Clive Barker’s Jericho, Assassin’s Creed, Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell: Conviction, Devil May Cry 4, Haze, Tom Clancy’s EndWar, Burnout: Paradise.

      Clearly both consoles have enough titles to fall back on but my question isn’t whether one will die out, of course it won’t, my question is will either of them dominate the market as much as we have seen in previous generations.

    • #37425

      in terms of content and graphical quality, the 360 will hit it’s peak so much earlier than the ps3, but yeah at the moment it’s a really good time to pick up either.

      …and tenchu Z…jesus what a bad game

    • #37428

      in terms of content and graphical quality, the 360 will hit it’s peak so much earlier than the ps3[/quote:a201e8ead9]
      Well obviously, considering the PS2 is only hitting its graphical peak about now.

    • #37430

      in terms of content and graphical quality, the 360 will hit it’s peak so much earlier than the ps3[/quote:593d3b9a43]
      Well obviously, considering the PS2 is only hitting its graphical peak about now.[/quote:593d3b9a43]

      And what will happen after that? when ps3 graphic supass the 360? Will the 360 die? So it think its better to buy both consoles. The wii is just a waste seriously its holding developers down!

    • #37431

      The wii is just a waste seriously its holding developers down![/quote:1c51492659]

      What about developers who don’t have the budget to develop the next Gears of War?

      The Wii is certainly not holding them down, Correct me if I’m wrong but isn’t it a much cheaper platform to develop for compared to 360 and PS3.

    • #37433

      The Wii does hold developers back in a sense. There’s no arguement that the controls give developers a chance to try new gameplay mechanics. However, it is the weakest, in terms of graphics & processing power. There are many things on the PS3 or Xbox 360 that would be impossible on the Wii, so that limits the potentential for innovation for developers.

      The lack of online support like Live or PSN would make it impossible (almost) for developers to enable online multiplayer for example. Physics related gameplay would be difficult to implement. The most difficult thing for developers with regard to the Wii is you are expected to make use of the controller. When people get this right the Wii really shines like no other. When it goes wrong (swordplay in Red Steel comes to mind I’m sure there are other better examples) it leaves the player feeling left in the cold . . .

    • #37436

      Dear god guys, you need to think about a lot more. The Wii is holding no one back. If you think you NEED super duper realistic graphics to sell a game, think again. The Wii doesn’t pretend you need those things, instead it offers a gaming experience to a par of the xbox at an affordable pricewith a unique control style. And as being nintendo, it offers a more family orientated game style. And as result, nintendo’s stock has rocketed. Developers WANT to develop for it. Its tons cheaper to develop for as you don’t need to stupid sized art team. Pretty much everyone loves it.

    • #37437

      There are many things on the PS3 or Xbox 360 that would be impossible on the Wii, so that limits the potentential for innovation for developers.[/quote:7ead01e212]
      You could also use the flip side of that argument in that the Wii controls enable developers to do things that the other consoles couldn’t. It all depends on the games and as omen said the direction Nintendo has taken is certainly paying off.

      The lack of online support like Live or PSN would make it impossible (almost) for developers to enable online multiplayer for example.[/quote:7ead01e212]
      Online functionality with the Wii is improving all the time and while Nintendo are definitely behind Sony and MS in this respect they at least have established services they can aim to improve upon.

      Physics related gameplay would be difficult to implement.[/quote:7ead01e212]
      Not really sure what you mean by that but proper physics based games is where the Wii will excel given the level of control over the game environment which the consoles controls lend the player.

      In our apartment we currently have the luxury of having all the major consoles within arms reach and bar the inital wow of Motorstorm on the PS3 and the occasional bash at Dead Of Alive 4 on the X360 its been the Wii with simply Wii Sports and the odd game of Wii Play, limited as it may be, that has dominated play time. Of course this kind of party/group play isn’t the biggest market out there but it just goes to show you the effect Nintendo have had with their new console.

    • #37440

      in terms of content and graphical quality, the 360 will hit it’s peak so much earlier than the ps3[/quote:cf12c770b5]
      Well obviously, considering the PS2 is only hitting its graphical peak about now.[/quote:cf12c770b5]

      And what will happen after that? when ps3 graphic supass the 360? Will the 360 die? So it think its better to buy both consoles. The wii is just a waste seriously its holding developers down![/quote:cf12c770b5]

      No no, of course it wont die, but instead of games being developers for the 360 and then ported to the ps3 (with less then stellar results more often than not), I think it will eventually switch the other way around….

      Although i’ll probably own both within a year.

    • #37492

      fanboys… :lol:

    • #37159

      Grand Theft Auto IV (DLC exclusive)[/quote:24b7206073]

      What’s this? I’ll be getting IV on the 360 and I’d be interested to know…

      My stance on the whole matter is most consoles are good at the end of the day. The 360 is starting to get damn near essential and the PS3 will soon too if people give it a chance. End :)

    • #37756
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