Home Forums General Discussion Diary of an Irish Student Game Developer from IT Carlow

  • This topic has 6 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 13 years ago by Anonymous.
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    • #8094

      Hey everyone,

      Don’t mean to spam links or anything, but if anyone would interested in reading my "Diary of an Irish Student Game Developer" post on Flax.ie, maybe give it a retweet :p

      I am a games developer going into third year on the IT Carlow Games development course. I came to this forum around 4 years ago looking to find people on the course, to get inside information to the quality of the course and hear about what they are doing. I had a hard time finding anyone, so I though I would post a link to my site where I talk regularly about the IT Carlow Games Development course.

      "Diary of an Irish Student Game Developer"

    • #47051
      Aphra K

      thanks Ciaran,

      That will be useful for future students as well as students of other courses

      We had a debate a few years back about Irish courses and there are a couple of features on it..which you will find from the features link on the menu..


    • #47053

    • #47094

      @aphra Thanks, yea I hope to do a few posts specially aimed at Leaving Cert students and the games industry and courses here in Ireland.

      @Thane Thanks, Gamecore lab? I’m not similar with it? Is it like the 3rd/4rd year labs or is it over in the innovation centre?

    • #47096

      Keeping a diary or journal is a great idea:idea: . Since starting Uni in the UK, I have been keeping a creative journal as part of my course.
      If your interested in my blog and what happens on a Games Art & Design Course here’s the URL
      Good luck on the course and keep up the diary

    • #47100

    • #47183

      @Thane ah I see. Will you be around next year?

      Also just posted lasted article in which I make an exciting announcement or at-lest I thing so, about the first of many live demos of the Flax HTML5 Game Engine.


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