Home Forums #IrishGameDev in the News Dublin GameCraft – Tools, reference, etc

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    • #8319

      Hi there

      I m trying to compile a good list of potential tools to use on the day. I thought It would be better with collaboration

      I though creating an open google doc would be the best (its earlyish on a saturday not always the best time for ideas) hopefully it ll work

      so here is a link https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0An6I8DNmqKqgdE9nWUZyYjdOU2JQU0VqUFYwRkZla2c&hl=en_US#gid=0

      I ll start adding some info to it(please follow the format) once it looks a bit meaty I ll make it pretty and add it to the website (DublinGamecraft.com)

      Thanks in advance for the help


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