Home Forums General Discussion Final Fantasy XII

  • This topic has 23 replies, 8 voices, and was last updated 17 years ago by Anonymous.
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    • #5872

      Only a few hours to go, folks. Has it really been five years since FFX? Wow how so many things have changed since then.

      Then next week I’ll finally be getting the first Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic game. It’s a good time to be alive! I’ve been deprived of a good RPG for way too long.

      Perhaps I should have bought FFX-2, but I just couldn’t bring myself to do it. Shame.. considering many people said it’s a great game despite the chick aspect. Maybe one day…

      Less than eight hours to go now. The suspense is electric. I’m honestly really excited about this. I haven’t read a thing about the game and I’m going into it totally fresh. Bring it on.

    • #35732

      Yeah should be good, although alot of the greats behind the series have left Square-Enix so hopefully the quality of the gameplay and story will be up to scratch.

      FF10-2 was a pile of rubbish. Granted i didnt finish it, i played about 7-8 hours of it but i think they really, really shouldn’t do sequels. Reviews on 12 seem good so far.

    • #35769

      Yeah should be good, although alot of the greats behind the series have left Square-Enix so hopefully the quality of the gameplay and story will be up to scratch.
      I think that the departure from the original team has brought a lot of much needed innovation to FFXII. The game is 100% pure fantastic and I’m really getting a lot out of it. It’s definitely going into my top ten games of all time. Without doubt it’ll go higher as I continue to play it.

      That said, it does remind me of Knights of the old Republic. Not just with the gameplay, but the whole world seems to be less Final Fantasy and more Star Wars.

      FF10-2 was a pile of rubbish. Granted i didnt finish it, i played about 7-8 hours of it but i think they really, really shouldn’t do sequels. Reviews on 12 seem good so far.[/quote:8eebfc8c92]
      I’m glad I didn’t waste my money. I was going to buy it after completing FFXII. Thanks, PJ, you just saved me a few quid!

    • #35772

      I think that the departure from the original team has brought a lot of much needed innovation to FFXII.[/quote:3f47239ed6]

      Thats a good point.

      That said, it does remind me of Knights of the old Republic. Not just with the gameplay, but the whole world seems to be less Final Fantasy and more Star Wars.[/quote:3f47239ed6]

      I just had time to play upto the first save point so i don’t know. All i can say is that it has made a good first impression on me. It looks superb. The battle system seems strange to me, it feels like im just watching which im a little concerned about but maybe itll grow on me…

    • #35778

      What a game. About 12 hours in now.

      Love the new gambit system that goes along with the new fighting system.
      Really intuitive and fresh.

      Yeah X-2 sucked so much! A real shame, don’t buy it!

    • #35780

      Anyone remember Vagrant Story, amazing game from square, but overlooked by a lot of people. The graphics in FFXII have the same style.. Very cool, supposed to 80+ hours of gameplay too… Can’t wait to get my hands on it!

      FFX2 was a total cope out, cash in excuse for the game…

    • #35784

      Vagrant Story…That was on the PS right? I think I bought it, and I think it was worth it. that must be ages ago now at this stage. you could probably download a ROM for it

    • #35785

      I read somewhere that FF Tactics and Vagrant Story are both set in the same world as FF 12. Is it called Ivalice or something?

    • #35790

      I read somewhere that FF Tactics and Vagrant Story are both set in the same world as FF 12. Is it called Ivalice or something?[/quote:a965494555]
      It certainly is according to Wikipedia. That said, I’m too afraid to read on in case it spoils anything for me.

    • #35791

      Very cool, supposed to 80+ hours of gameplay too… Can’t wait to get my hands on it![/quote:8f6027d718]

      Which has 80 hours FF 12 or Vagrant Story? If its FF 12, i should be finished by next Christmas at the rate im going!

    • #35793

      Very cool, supposed to 80+ hours of gameplay too… Can’t wait to get my hands on it![/quote:a4f63e067d]

      Which has 80 hours FF 12 or Vagrant Story? If its FF 12, i should be finished by next Christmas at the rate im going![/quote:a4f63e067d]
      I’m pretty certain me meant FFXII. I’m trying to pace myself as best I can. So far I’m around 16 hours in. I do all of the side-requests and generally spend a lot of time exploring the world. Final Fantasy games don’t come around too often and as it’s my favourite series, I really want to soak up everything I can from it.

    • #37444

      What do you all make of this game? Ronny?

      At this stage you should be nearly finished i suppose? Im severely disappointed in it anyway. I played about 5 hours and got sick of it. Battle system was boring enough i thought and the story was poor. I know i didn’t give it much of a chance now but i have loads of other games to play and i just didnt feel like spending 50-60 hours on this at all.

      Maybe the fact that i had already invested so much time in two other epic games beforehand (KH 2 and Twilight Princess) and needed to play short snappy games.

    • #37453

      I was very dissapointed. It would have been a fantastic game on its own, but this is the Final Fantasy series we’re talking about. It has a duty to live up to nigh on impossible to meet expectations. I played through most of the game and then just got bored at the very end. There’s only the final boss to beat, but I have no incentive to do it.

      The storyline is my biggest problem. Throughout the whole game I was thinking "Yes, this game is going to be epic.. just as soon as the story all comes together." It never happened. I haven’t met anyone who can work out what purpose Vaan serves. He has no mission, no major goal to strive for, no purpose that defines him. He’s nothing more than a narrator, and that just doesn’t cut it considering he’s the ‘lead’ character.

      The story had so much potential, it really did. I love my history and really got excited about the historical references and comparisons, but they didn’t do anything with it. The game dragged on for ages and not a lot happened. The depth and culture of the locations was never explored. The relationship between the different nations never really got explained. It just seemed that there was all this background waiting to come exploding into life.

      So as a story-driven game, FFXII didn’t cut it. That said, the gameplay was really rewarding. I loved playing it every day. The battle system was a refreshing change and the usual game systems all worked together very well.

      A huge flaw was the subgames… or lack thereof. We should have had options to join different clans and be rewarded for competing against one another. I still miss that damn card game so much from FFVIII and FFIX. It wouldn’t have been overly hard to implement. Hunts distracted me for a while, but it’s just more fighting at the end of the day.

      I had a lot of disagreements with friends about the music. I really got a lot out of it, others didn’t.

      FFXII had a whole new team and they did a lot of experimenting. A lot of it paid off, but they really missed the mark in the end. I actually feel robbed of all the time I invested in it simply because the story never developed. That may sound harsh, but again, this is Final Fantasy we’re talking about.

    • #37455

      Alright, trade in time for me. I know ill regret not finishing it but the story is what always drove me on in past FF games. The battles really bore me so the games only good point for you doesn’t apply for me. God damn, i was looking forward to this for ages. :x

      Easy to see that youre very disappointed in it Ronny. if i was on the last boss though id finish it out. Thanks for the update.

      Sakaguchi is working in mistwalker now and there doing games exclusively for the 360 at the moment. So a 360 will have to be bought at some point.

    • #37473

      That’s the thing. I’ve never been in a situation before where I’ve went through some 60 hours of gaming and never finished it off. I just can’t muster any strength to get it over with. My friend also got to Arcades and left it there. We’d both be considered major FF fans. I guess the potential for the story to suddenly all come together just dissapeared as we got closer to the end.

      They should have also made a lot more use out of the southern empire.. the Italian folk.

      I don’t know, PJ… part of me wants to tell you to go through the game. It is actually a very good game if you seperate it from the FF universe. You might want to give it a go again before trading it in. I’d say it’s a better game than Final Fantasy X.

      For the first time ever in the series, I don’t have massive anticipation for the sequel.

    • #37495

      Nah Ronny, i really could not go through 60 hours of that with no pay off. Id be better off replaying FF 7, 8 or 9 sometime.

      Or even going out today and getting FF6 for the DS cos i’ve never played it yet. Its supposed to be pretty class.

    • #37683

      Just finished ff12 a couple of days ago.

      I haven’t met anyone who can work out what purpose Vaan serves. He has no mission, no major goal to strive for, no purpose that defines him. He’s nothing more than a narrator, and that just doesn’t cut it considering he’s the ‘lead’ character. [/quote:6d227d5754]
      Really agree with this comment. I’m a bit confused, it stands out so much, what is the point of the protagonist? I don’t really understand how this happened from a developer so accomplished in story telling as square are. Its good to see other people wondering the same thing, as I was afraid I missed something important!
      The only theory I could come up with was that they were trying to allow the the player map directly onto Vaan, and thus characterise him as little as possible (a la Gordon Freeman). This doesn’t seem reasonable for a story based RPG though.

      On the plus side, I really liked what they did with the game play – I’d say ff12 is a better game (set of rules) than many of the recent ones.

      I still don’t understand how it picked up such good reviews, including game of the year from Edge. These sort of game tend to stand or fall on the strength of the story, and while it was ok, there seemed to be a lot of characterization missing from some of the key people like Vaan and Vayne.

      Best voice acting I’ve ever seen in a video game though, and some very high production values.
      Wondering if Edge gave it a good review mainly because of that… I sometimes get the impression they have a bit of bias for such things.

    • #37715

      I haven’t played any of the FF games until now, when I bought FFIII ( remake ) for the DS.

    • #37718

      I haven’t played any of the FF games until now, when I bought FFIII ( remake ) for the DS. [/quote:06d9f1f5be]
      Possibly not the best FF game ever. I’ve played a bit of some of the other earlier games (1&2), and didn’t find the core gameplay very interesting (lots of boring grinding). Things started to look up a bit from FF4 .

      I didn’t know what to expect, but I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s just a huge spreadsheet with fancy graphics bolted on top.

      This could be said a lot of the FF games, to some extent. There are a lot of gamers that just don’t like this sort of game, or even consider it much of a game to begin with, for this reason.
      At least it’s got fancy graphics bolted on (championship manager, looking at you).
      Most of the better FF games also have a compelling story – probably their main hook. The combat system is better in some than in others. I liked 6 and 12 particularly, for their combat.

      Hopefully the latest version of the game that you’re playing has a few more features to keep you entertained. [/quote:06d9f1f5be]
      Yes, they completely redid the combat for 12. It’s still primarily story driven, though.

      Do they keep the same type of jobs across all of the series ( white mage etc ), or do any of them incorporate new ones ( robot, postman etc )? [/quote:06d9f1f5be]


      Only a certain few of the games have a job system – it’s something that’s been largely absent from recent titles. These character attribute development aspects and systems vary a lot from game to game.
      The jobs are largely just a way of structuring the character attribute development. In later games, they use boards, or grids, which must be revealed in certain orders to develop character attributes.

      Some of the games (FFV GBA) that also have job systems have a wide range of jobs – but this just means they add specific abilities to the character to help them in combat.
      So maybe the postman would get a bonus to their evasion stats, or an ability to lose certain inventory items at random, but there would be no gameplay element requiring the player to (fail to?) deliver mail.

    • #37728
    • #37731

      Mal as far as I know FFIII is an old skool FF game (so a bit harsher than the new ones). Its an 80’s game with new 3D gfx.

    • #37752
    • #37753

      Enough about FF, tell us more about the new "Doodle Dawg" company! :)


    • #37754

      Enough about FF, tell us more about the new "Doodle Dawg" company! :)



      We’re developing a "digital distribution and social networking solution for the games industry"

      we’re aiming to offer small to medium sized development teams an alternate publisher-less route to market with better returns and more creative control.

      we’re going to try and shake things up a bit.

      we’ll be at develop next week to try and get some folks on the bandwagon.

      we were looking at a september (this year) launch but that may slip a bit.

      There’ll be more information on our (less monstorous re-designed) website later this week.

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