Home Forums Education, Training and Jobs First games interview.

  • This topic has 46 replies, 11 voices, and was last updated 18 years ago by Anonymous.
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    • #5426

      Hello folks, thanks you all for your advice in the past, ive finally got myself an interview. Im coming from working on tv animation, (good animation) and im busting my gut to get into games.

      any pointer for the interview, im an animator.

      Im also curious about the setup for animation in games, With character studio there is alot of automatic option for walks and runs, how much do they get used?

      I have been using maya for the animation on the tv series and basically you set every key yourself. basically how much does the automatic buttons come into play in the production work flow?

    • #32344

      Im also curious about the setup for animation in games, With character studio there is alot of automatic option for walks and runs, how much do they get used? [/quote:a911550e34]
      Its going to be very dependant on the studio. Everyone has a different setup, depends on the exporter used and use user friendly its been written.

      No idea about the interview, dunno what an art interview is like, would be interested to find out though.

      Good luck

    • #32345

      Good stuff :)

      Be really eager!

    • #32346

      But not too eager!

    • #32347

      But eager enough…


    • #32348

      so eager is the key

    • #32349

      Sorry if it sounds obvious but dont wear anything resembling a suit, just wear something casual but neat.

      Its always funny when someone turns up in a shirt and tie…

    • #32350

      cheers for that. I didnt know to tuck my shirt in or not, foolish I am .

      I wear shorts and tshirts here everyday, who started this whole suit buisness

    • #32351

      the business people and management types, from my experience :-7
      But most of the tech guys I know (those not dealing with management) tend to go for casual/practical. As for the art guys I know, casual is almost expected (even here in France) :wink:
      One thing about an interview that seem to work in any case is to remember that you are here for a chat, mostly. It’s not an interrogation.
      Personally I always try to turn the discussion in a way where I can show that I’m a peer, “oh, so that’s how you do that? that’s nice, me I use this and that, but I guess it would be nice to try your way”, etc.
      It’s not an exam, it’s more like a speed date, I guess :)

    • #32353

      Nothing wrong with a suit. they’ll remember ya. and when your interviewing 20 candidates, its pays to be remembered! I went to all my interviews with the games companies wearing a suit fair enough i got a ribbing (coz i didnt know at first) but i got them all :) So who’s laughing now :P

      At least with a suit your always prepared. Fair enough if they’re loose on cloth policy and you wear a suit. But if you wear casual and the company isnt then you could be in trouble. We’ve been doing a crap load of interviews at present and everyone i’ve met have be wearing shirt, tie etc. Full suit probably isnt necessary but shirt\tie sends the right vibe. Your here for business not for a casual trip into an office. :)

      As for the interview, be eager as the lads mentioned, we love enthusim in the industry but dont be bouncing round the place. Also dont mention that you’ve been bouncing your c.v. off anyone who’ll take it (in reality this is a fact we all know but choose to ignore). Also know their games well and be excited to have a possible opportunity to work on their next, this could be the make or break decision section, because generally if your called for interview you’ve got talent (unless your c.v. lied :) ). So will the other candidates, so if ye’re all equal its down to who wants to make games for this company more.

      As for an interview being a chat? i wouldnt quite say that, maybe later in your career when its a case of company X hold an interview purely to convince you to work for them for X amount more than your previous employer. You’ve proven your worth on numerous titles before.. the interview is more a case of determining conditions etc.

      In your case treat it as 30-40 minutes to convince them your the man for the job! Be confident and dont be afraid to big yourself up, but dont be too cocky. also know your c.v. well, especially if theres any gaps on it. they will ask about them!

      best of luck! by the way whos the games company?

      p.s. as for phililipes comment on intergation interviews, ive had a share of them, some for well known game companies. Although these generally only happen in programming interviews i’d say. programming examiners like to stretch your knowledge boundary as far as it will go just to entertain themselves. Ego driven bastards! haha

    • #32356

      Good tip from Peter there, make an effort – it will be noticed, so a suit may not be a bad idea

    • #32357

      It’s important to go in looking professional and well presented. A suit would be nice, but go in wearing a shirt and jeans at the very least.

      Peter hit the nail on the head with his advice. Aah, to think he was once just an eager student! :D

    • #32358

      Peter hit the nail on the head with his advice. Aah, to think he was once just an eager student! :D[/quote:34d5279362]

      Alot changes in 10 months.lol

      Seriously though, when your going for a games job interview you need to make yourself memorable, because there is probably a good few other people being interviewed and you wanna stand out! best of luck again with the interview, im sure you’ll do well.

    • #32359

      I think a suit would make you feel uncomfatable when everyone around you (inc. interviewees) are dressed very casual\scruffy.

      It’s up to you :)

      About 6 years ago I wore formal stuff to a games company interview…felt really stupid after about 2 seconds. Got a call back the same day to see someone else but I came back in a hoody and khakis and aced it :p

    • #32360

      Not that I have as much experience as these guys but may I suggest an attire somewhere in between. You could wear a suit minus the tie or maybe something less formal like a jacket, casual shirt and a pair of chinos/nice jeans. Something that shows you made an effort but at the same time lets you be as comfortable as possible. In terms of my experience I’ve gone with the latter and so far I’m two for two in terms of “serious” job interviews so it can’t be too bad. :)

    • #32362

      If this is your first job, i’d go suit, first game job, i’d go suit/very smart casual, if you think you’ve already got the experience to get the job, smart casual.
      I remember when I went to Core, they remarked on my nice suit :)

      So far, i’ve done two types of interviews.
      1) The hard-core, see what you know grilling
      2) The nice chat, see what you’ve done before and generally base the opinion on what you’re like (and as I found out after) first impression (this is the much nicer interview :) )

      If you’re new boss doesn’t like the look of you from the off, you’re not going to get the job unless you’re extremely well qualified.

    • #32363

      woo thanks folks, I went to a wedding party the other day and I was completly over dressed everyone had a good laugh,

      Anyhow for the interview it will be pins (trouser) and short sleved shirt, its the summer, smart but casual,

      Its my first games interview for a jr animator position I got to pick my interview date bcuz im flying there, so im not sure if there will be anyone else there.

      Ill have to stomach the nerves and hope for the best.

      thanks again folks,

    • #32365

      While a suit (or shirt and tie) can’t hurt, I don’t believe it’s necessary. I haven’t wore a tie or suit to an interview in over 12 years and it hasn’t hurt.

      Also, of the dozesn (at least) of people I have interviewed and hired for either IT or games jobs over the years, only 2 people have turned up in suits/ties

      My advice would be to go with what you are comfortable with

    • #32372

      I haven’t wore a tie or suit to an interview in over 12 years and it hasn’t hurt. [/quote:06fcfd824e]
      Yeah, but you’re an old man….

    • #32374

      I haven’t wore a tie or suit to an interview in over 12 years and it hasn’t hurt. [/quote:23fb881b2c]
      Yeah, but you’re an old man….[/quote:23fb881b2c]<sigh>tell me about it!</sigh>

      p.s. check your PMs, Damian

    • #32376

      Also, of the dozesn (at least) of people I have interviewed and hired for either IT or games jobs over the years, only 2 people have turned up in suits/ties[/quote:228a533c05]

      Reckon i was one of them right? :) Ah sure the suit doesnt get much wearing usually, typically just weddings and funerals.lol

    • #32379

      Yeah, and then you try it on 2 days before and realise it doesn’t fit you anymore…

    • #32380

      Also, of the dozesn (at least) of people I have interviewed and hired for either IT or games jobs over the years, only 2 people have turned up in suits/ties[/quote:5495cf0845]

      Reckon i was one of them right? :) Ah sure the suit doesnt get much wearing usually, typically just weddings and funerals.lol[/quote:5495cf0845]actually, that makes 3!!

    • #32382

      Obviously a memorable impression :lol:

    • #32384

      Obviously a memorable impression :lol:[/quote:b15309f6b3]well, he got offered the job! wouldn’t blame him for my ailing (as you’re always telling me) brain cells

    • #32414

      Well just to let ye know.

      I’d say i must have had like 20 candidates pass my desk for interviews this week and everyone single one was wearing a suit. Seems like the games industry is changing or something, or maybe its a sega thing??

    • #32417

      Are they graduates?

      I never see anyone in suits for Evo interviews :-/

    • #32418

      No all senior ppl, with years of experience.

      Sega isnt hiring graduates at present.

    • #32419

      Yeah, and then you try it on 2 days before and realise it doesn’t fit you anymore…[/quote:d648117da0]

      LMAO :lol: I concur!

    • #32427

      Well I broke my toe on friday night, I ran up and kick a football on the street, after watching the Italy game, The ball was made of Iron. I cant wears shoes now, This is not looking hot

    • #32428

      Jesus|!, Bad luck :(

    • #32429

      Well I broke my toe on friday night, I ran up and kick a football on the street, after watching the Italy game, The ball was made of Iron. I cant wears shoes now, This is not looking hot[/quote:58c4dcf991]
      That’s your excuse. What about Lampard, Carragher and Gerrard?? :evil: :P

    • #32430

      I got keep the x ray though,

    • #32573

      Hello folks,

      I forgot to tell you how the interview went.
      well I had the interview a week and a bit ago, still no word as of yet, I phoned them yesturday to tell them Ive changed my phone number and they said they hadnt made a dessision yet.

      I think I balls up in the interview, (pardon my French) I was to Nerves, its quite a fancy company so I think I let it go to my head.

      I brought in a new CV and cover letter and Showreel, but I didnt give it to them, there didnt seem to be a need to. The interviewers where cool, but I found myself saying “ok” to much.

      They did say at the interview that at this stage it was down to personalities. I didnt know what to think at this stage.

      The games set up for animation seems to be different from TV series animation. The terminolgy throw me a bit but I’ll know for the next time.

      It was diffently a huge learning curve, Ive diffently learnt not to let nerves get in the way again,

      I didnt fully sell myself but it was a good expierence.

    • #32574

      You can never do a bad interview IMHO, obviously if it doesn’t go well you won’t get the job but as long as you learn from your mistakes and build up confidence and an “interview technique”, its all good experience in the bank

    • #32575

      good advice by pete there..

      you never know though how it went. as long as you didnt curse you’d be fine.

      who was the company?

    • #32580

      Whats wrong with cursing in an interview?

    • #32581

      Cursing is widely regarded as being at a lack of words, and it might offend the interviewers somewhat ;)

    • #32585

      F*** ’em!

    • #32589

      It was a company in Scotland I’ll let you know when I get an answer from them

    • #32597

      It was a company in Scotland I’ll let you know when I get an answer from them[/quote:0eeb57407e]

      Ahright RTW. there mad recruiting for the last 12 months.

    • #32598

      Only other big company up there now is Rockstar North.

    • #32599

      Only other big company up there now is Rockstar North.[/quote:56d8ba8ca4]
      ya but i dont see them advertising positions much these days. RN has a low turn over of staff so i hear cause its meant to be a good place to work. So they probably only hire if someone leaves or maybe if they need to expand in some area. but hey, what do i know 8)

    • #32610

      hi it was for Rockstar,
      I didnt get the job … gutted

      I will keep digging away

    • #32612

      hi it was for Rockstar,
      I didnt get the job … gutted

      I will keep digging away[/quote:9c4b519cff]

      Unlucky mate..

      But im sure you learned abit from the interview process and will do better next time.

    • #32619

      I don’t think Rockstar need to advertise, they just get constant applications.

    • #32622

      Scratch that, they’re currently arvertising on gameindustry.biz :)

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