Home Forums Creative Content Games animation advice and must up to date reel

  • This topic has 8 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 18 years ago by Anonymous.
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    • #5469

      Hi all


      Does anyone know anyone or where I can get some serrious contructive crit on my animation work to improve my chances of working in the games industry.

      I have pushed my reel as far as I can at this point.

      What am I lacking?

    • #32705

      Right I’m no expert in graphics at all, ok I’m no expert fullstop.

      To me that looks absolutely amazing, here are the few things I can say:

      1) Whats the poly count like? Games require poly-concious work. You’ve only shown extremely high poly levels and very basic poly levels.

      2) Is all that work yours (including modelling, texturing, rigging, animating and background?) If so make that obvious, if not point what you did and didn’t do?

      3) What job are you aiming for? Larger companies can, and do, seperate out the roles of modelling, rigging and animating. Smaller companies require generalists.

      4) What packages did you use to create the reel, what other packages can you use?

      5) perhaps a small point, but I was distanced from the mouse/rat sequence because I couldn’t understand the narrative, do you have a version of that in english?

      6) I didn’t particularly like the camera on the blue man running sequence….

    • #32717


      I have done all the animation of the reel except the lip movment on the rat.

      I did not create the charcters.

      Some scenes where animated in Maya and others in 3d max.

      I need some advice of how I should target games company. nobodys biting at my reel, so it would be great to get some industry advice.

    • #32720

      Show games companies something they want…

      You’re a character animator so *off the top of my head*

      …maybe do a brief sequence of some swat guys getting out of a van and moving into a building…I’m sure you could get third party models from somewhere if you don’t have any. Nice cinematic angles and what not.


      That fight animation sequence you have – use that with boxers instead of the red and blue lo-poly characters. Maybe expand the sequence to have kicks and throws in it.


      Animate some mechs…people love mechs ^_^

      Show game people something they can relate to or would expect to see.

    • #32721

      What is mechs. Im naive

    • #32722
    • #32728
    • #32730


      I have done all the animation of the reel except the lip movment on the rat.

      I did not create the charcters.

      Some scenes where animated in Maya and others in 3d max.

      I need some advice of how I should target games company. nobodys biting at my reel, so it would be great to get some industry advice.[/quote:9641477d0a]One biggy for when you are submitting this to a company is to call out very, very clearly what is your work and what was done by others on the team. if a company calls you for interview based on your portfolio and it becomes clear during the interview that some of the work is not yours can really go against you

    • #32733

      One biggy for when you are submitting this to a company is to call out very, very clearly what is your work and what was done by others on the team. if a company calls you for interview based on your portfolio and it becomes clear during the interview that some of the work is not yours can really go against you[/quote:6b9282457e]

      I would thoroughly second this. It’s very off putting when you bring someone in on the basis of assumptions about what they’ve done given their reel and it turns out that they only did a small aspect. Be very very clear about what it yours (in the reel include an overlay text highlighting this).

      I’m not qualified to judge the work in the reel, but looking purely at the animation I’d say it’s pretty good. Good expressiveness, nice cartoon feel etc. What’s missing is evidence of a repertoire of skills. It looks like you can do the assertive cartoony thing. But show different animations, moods, characters etc. Some of the biomechanics of the movement is not quite right, but that might fit with your cartoony style. Game developers will want to see versatility, which should definitely include realistic movement at a minimum.


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